Compiled my 10 favorite Umineko songs into a playlist. Making it was pretty difficult especially near the end. It especially pained me to drop Hope out of it when there were 11 left. Anyway, here it is. It’s from my favorite to my “least” favorite.
I’m really confused about something. Are Motoki Zakuro and M. Zakky the same person?
Here it lists M. Zakky as composer and Motoki Zakuro as performer. VGMDB treats them as completely separate people, but there’s nothing to definitively prove they’re not the same person, other than that they belong to separate organisations? Did this person just use two different aliases to credit them as a composer and vocalist?
Also not to be confused with Xaki, hahah
While this probably isn’t enough information to guarantee the answer is yes, I did manage to find this.
It looks like M.Zakky was a composer for a visual novel called 少年オロカと不思議の森, “Shounen Oroka to Fushigi no Mori”. If you take a look at the developers, you’ll see Circletempo. According to this Youtube video, Motoki Zakuro is from a circle called Circletempo. However, that may have been a thing of the past, because I couldn’t find anything about her on their site.
Despite this, I sorta do think M.Zakky is the same person as Motoki Zakuro. Even the name matches, in a way.
You probably did this research yourself, but I wanted to see too.
I feel like you can make a tongue in cheek red truth out of this somehow.
I’m pretty sure M. Zakky and Motoki Zakuro are the same, but M. Zakky refers to her as a music composer, whereas Motoki Zakuro refers to her as a singer. Also, (assuming I’m correct in that assumption) she appears to still have been with Circletempo at the time of Umineko, as Circletempo are credited for Birth of a New Witch, which Motoki Zakuro sung.
I liked most of the soundtracks. I’m really obsessed with the PS3 openings of Umineko, but I just can’t tell what the chorus says. I’ve been wondering if anybody knows. I’ve looked at many lyrics websites, the beginning part is just not there.