Farewell of the Golden Witch [Victory: Golden Dreamers]

No time like the present, eh? Let’s review the rules of engagement for this board. (Note, if you’d like to join the game, please post in this thread so that we can get you on a team: Team-based Mystery Solving Action!)

  1. You will be working with your assigned team to solve the mystery. Your internal discussion of the mystery should take place in your team’s personal Discord channel on the Rokkenjima server.

  2. We will proceed in turns, with team Big Mac deciding the turn order, as the coin flip has decreed. A turn will consist of one of two possible actions: either a request for me to repeat a statement in red (which, naturally I can refuse to do), or an attempt to solve the WHO and HOW of the mystery using the [color=blue] blue truth [/color]. A blue truth must be submitted via a PM to me. I will either accept the blue truth and concede defeat, or deny it using a [color=red]red truth[/color], which will be posted in this thread for all to see.

  3. Each team will be limited to three (3) blue truths. Once these are expended, they will lose the game by default.

  4. The deadline is February 28th. For obvious reasons.

That should be it. A word of warning… I know the PDF looks huge (100 MB+ wtf), and the page count is up there. I promise you it will make sense when you take a look at it, it’s not nearly as long as it looks! The font is huge, and there are tons of just full page images. It boils down to about 20 pages of double spaced text if you condense it. And to give credit where its due, the assets are all mostly taken from the PS3 port of the game, with a couple of custom assets thrown in here and there. I recommend using a PDF reader (not a browser) to read it, so you’ll only be able to see one page at a time.

Now, without further ado, let’s get started! You can download the board here:

Farewell of the Golden Witch


EDIT: Added the rule regarding number of blue truths. My apologies, it was in the other thread but I forgot to carry it over.

EDIT II: Let’s track the number of blues used by each side here.

Team Big Mac: :large_blue_diamond::large_blue_diamond:
Golden Dreamers: :large_blue_diamond::large_blue_diamond::large_blue_circle:


Good luck to the teams! Thanks heaps to @Xak for putting this together, it looks great! I look forward to giving it a crack and receiving sizeable bribes from each team for my help :pukuku:


Welcome all, and may we all be truly entertained this clash of intellectual minds.

As Team Asleep, we would like to use our first turn to request a repetition in red.

REPEAT IN RED: It’s impossible for Genji to have found a replacement for the chair Battler broke within this mystery.


Very well. I recognize your move, Team Asleep. Let us begin, then.

[color=red] It would have been impossible for Genji to have found a replacement for the chair Battler broke. [/color] By replacement, I of course mean a chair that is different from the one Battler broke, yet matches the rest of the set.

The baton now passes to Team Big Mac.


Please, repeat this is in Red: It is impossible for Maria to fit through the storage room window.


Hrm. I suppose it is a guarantee I can part with.

Indeed,[color=red] it would have been impossible for Maria to exit the storage room through the storage room window. [/color]

Please repeat this in red:

“The vase was directly broken by a human being at the time Genji heard it.”

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Quite a cautious move… perhaps playing it close to the chest is natural in this three-sided game of ours.

I’ll agree to this one as well. [color=red]The vase was broken by a human being directly, at the time Genji heard it.[/color]

Team Big Mac has dared to strike at the witch side directly. I admire the boldness, no doubt there.

Alas, continuing to deny the Golden Witch is futile. My counterattack is thus:

[color=red] The top drawer was indeed locked when Genji and the siblings came upon it. Eva did indeed both insert the key and turn it when she was unlocking the top compartment. [/color]

Please repeat:

“Eva’s assumption that the box was holding 3 layers of gold ingots with 12 gold ingots per layer is accurate.”

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Xak replied in Discord, so I’ll post his response here:

[color=red]Eva’s assumption is correct. There were indeed 3 layers of 12 gold ingots in the box when Kinzo showed it to them.[/color]

As for our turn…

Repeat it, if you would so please:

“There are only two keys to the lockbox, one of which opens the top drawer and the other which opens the main compartment.” We request that “opens” is taken at face-value, of course.

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Let’s put my last move in a more fitting place.

[color=red] There exist exactly two keys, A and B, that can fit into the locks of the box in question. Key A can open the top compartment. Key B can open the main compartment. [/color]

But will this truly save you? Perhaps our sleeping friends can show us another path…

A direct attack from the Golden Dreamers, eh? Well, if you think you’ll pin me with that, I’m afraid you’ll be sorely disappointed.

How about this? [color=red]The lockbox in this game has no secret access points. Therefore, when a compartment is locked, there is no way to get anything into or out of that compartment!![/color]

Repeat, if thou would be so kind:

“At the time of Genji waking up, the only people (that is, the only human bodies) in the mansion were Genji, Eva, Rudolf, Rosa, Krauss and Kinzo.”

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I may be kind, but not quite that kind. I shall not leave you empty handed, however.

[color=red]At the time Genji woke up, there were only five living humans in the mansion.[/color]


Dear Mr. Game Master, please repeat:

“No keys outside of the ones mentioned in the story ever existed, in relation to this mystery.”

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So be it. [color=red]No keys, outside of the two keys to the lockbox, Genji’s master key, and the keys on the servants’ key ring, have any relevance to the crime.[/color]


If you would be so kind:

“At the time he locked the door to the servants’ room, Genji was the only human being in the servants’ room.”

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Hmph. The line of reasoning is futile, I assure you.

[color=red]Genji was the only human being who ever entered the servants’ room during the family conference!![/color]

By all means, dear Game Master. Corner us, if you can.

Repeat this: “The key to the storage room was in the servants’ room at the beginning of the family conference.”