Getting over boredom?

I usually go for a bike ride; It makes me feel active and it gets me out of the house.


Messaging other friends of mine. Or going out to see some if they are available. If not, nothing is lime a good book or a great tv show.

I start reading a new visual novel. There’s still so many good ones out there.

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I agree with @Karifean! Reading in general always takes me to a magical place, so that I can escape my boredom. Of course, reading is best done wrapped up in a warm blanket with a warm cup of tea close by!

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I grab my headphones and plug in some Hiroyuki Sawano goodness. Or other music if I feel in the mood.


I love Hiroyuki Sawano. What’s your favorite score of his? I have to hand it to Kill la Kill. As much as I’m not a huge fan of the series, I can’t deny how great his music is.

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I’ve practically memorized his scores for Xenoblade Chronicles X (personal favorite) and Attack on Titan. I’ve also have listened extensively to his scores for Kabaneri and Kill la Kill. Right now, my ears are set on the Re:Creators score.

He’s one of my favorite anime composers, along with Yuki Kajiura, Yoko Kanno, and Satoru Kosaki.

It can help to find somewhere else to do something that you like. It’s numbing to be in the same places all the time, but new places on the other hand can be plenty stimulating.

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Music or programming for me. Visual novels are also great, but I’m struggling to find ones I want to truly read, so I get somewhat bored… but yeah reading can be great.


I’ve always wanted to learn to program, but it’s stupid hard for me to understand. I failed my visual basic class in high school twice, if that’s any indicator.

VB is… terrible, in my opinion, so I wouldn’t blame you. It’s an old language, and no so simple… if you wanted to give something a lot easier to understand and learn a try, I’d recommend checking out Python, a good website to use, that I used a lot a few years ago, would be Codeacademy, which teaches quite well.


You could just teach me, right

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Pascal is cool :cackle:

Okay kill me.


Podcasts! There’s tons of them for almost any interest you can think of. Plus, you can do other things while listening. I can’t give any recs because I’m not good at multitasking (so it’s very hard to stay focused).

I do like listening to them when I go to the gym. Treadmills are so boring otherwise. Audio books also serve the same function.


SAME! Podcasts are my life whenever I need to do exercise. Good Choice!


OHHH have you listened to Serial? It’s probably my favorite podcast of all-time, I highly recommend it.

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I’m actually never bored, I’m more likely to despair over all the media I haven’t the time to properly experience. Though sometimes I’m paralysed by choice.


I haven’t! It’s really difficult for me to listen to podcasts (thx adhd) so I mostly listen to non-plot oriented stuff. But I would like more recommendations :slight_smile:

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