
1- This is your usual chess game, except anyone can participate whenever they so want.
2- All of the pieces are represented by Higanbana characters, each side representing either the Humans or the Spirits team in the School.
3- There’s a chessboard image being constantly updated with each selected move done by the players.
4- That said, anyone can play in either side if they want, and their move will be chosen as long as said individual is the first person to post a valid move after the very next image update (meaning, each time a valid move is done and the image updated with said move, the next valid move can be done by anyone willing to play, as long as they post first).
5- In addition to that, we also implemented a rule were each person must impersonate the character they requested the movement of. This pretty much means, they write a one-liner for that given move of said character, possibly interacting with the other characters surrounding him in the chessboard.

For a random example for the beginning of a match:

Yuuki e4
“I’m guessing this could be what someone would call an artsy opening, right?"

The real fun in here will probably be the random interactions between the characters, some of which probably would never have interacted with these otherwise. You can use any spoilers as a meaning of comunication between the characters if you so want. Just don’t write stuff that is too screwed up at that, as it could go against the guidelines of this forum.

This whole thing follows quite closely Ryukishi’s way of creating character interactions and his plot building for his works, as said by himself “I just like to throw my characters in various circumstances and see how each of them will interact with each other and the given situation in hand during said chapter”… or something along those lines, during that interview. In other words, I’m sure it will be quite an interesting experiment to do in here as a game.

And as it is an experiment, feel free to leave suggestions as to how it could become better, any feedback is appreciated.

For these chessboards, I will be our image uploader, a “Game Master” of a sort, I guess? And in any circumstances where I can’t keep up, I apologize and beg you for some patience, as I’m kinda busy with stuff (but I will try to keep it going as frequently as I possibly can).


“Since I’m the only smart person around all these dunces, I should be the first to move”

Hikaru to B4

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<Great>, the little Prince wants to play. I’ll entertain him for a while.

Kyou to A6

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Off to a nice start

White’s Turn

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Takeshi to H3

“I’ll be sure to capture this on film!”

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Nurse to 6F

Maybe tonight I’ll be able to find a man…

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Quite unusual openings we have here. Interesting.

White’s Turn

“Nonomiya-kun, let me go with you! I want to be there if you capture a ghost on film! Or a UFO!”

Okada to G3

:mii: I wanted to play as a youkai

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Black’s Turn

“If this will break the cycle, so be it…”

Yoko to G5

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White’s Turn

“Tomoko, I’ll go on ahead!”

Michiru to F4

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“Gera gera! You there? Won’t you listen to my heroic story?”

Geragera-san to E6

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Sorry, took me a while to actually get some internet where I am right now (and a PC to use photoshop too):

White’s Turn

“It is time for the princess to step onto the stage! :midori:

Midori to A3

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“Have you ever heard the sound of castanets playing in the music room when there’s no one around?”

Hameln to B6

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Oh boy, we are having quite the pawn war incoming in here!

White’s Turn

“…that ends today’s private lesson.”

Kanamori to G2


Black’s Turn

“I’m the Sixth Ranked Youkai, Renoir of the Art Room. Can you name that painting?”

Renoir to C6

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