That is incredibly awesome news. Thank you; I’ll be checking it out later.
I’ve been staying away from these forums for a while for personal reasons, and I know the topic is months old, but I’m going to again take the unpopular stance and say that I approve of the way (mostly) that Alchemist handled their treatment of Higurashi. Let us first dispel the notion that Ryukishi had created a perfect creation with no room for improvement. Yes, there’s something to be said for staying true to a creator’s vision, but there were many aspects of the original series, particularly Matsuribayashi-hen, that were lacking. I won’t wade into spoilers, but Miotsukushi-hen definitely resolves more plot threads, provides more moments to shine to certain characters (especially Mion and Rika - Mion basically gets secondary heroine status, which is nice considering how little Ryukishi takes the time to develop her in the series), and feels more like a climax with higher stakes. It’s not perfect, and I could have done without choices as well, but Matsuribayashi-hen is too clean and easy of a resolution that leaves a feeling of emptiness rather than a feeling of accomplishment.