Maria's Puzzle Book [Break]

Ugh, still haven’t gotten enough solutions…

This time, I’m going to ask you to fill a poll regarding each puzzle, just so I know where everyone stands. But first, I need to write an addendum and an apology regarding Puzzle 17:

As it turns out, the sample solution I had for that one is wrong. Shocking, I know. It would be correct if the number 854 itself would be impossible to reach, but the puzzle text I gave you clearly states the opposite. A solution still exists, however, if you see the “numbers from 1 to 854 can be reached” as a vacuous truth, with the possibility of 855 being reachable as well still intact. For that one, I however have no idea how to reach said solution without using a brute force approach. Therefore, I am going to allow two different solutions: You can either try to find a solution assuming that the witch can only weigh everything from 1 to 853, or you can try to find a solution assuming that the witch can weigh everything from 1 to 854, possibly including 855. Bonus points if you do the latter and can present me a method that doesn’t rely on brute force.

Now for the polls I talked about. They are basically the same for each puzzle, but I’d still ask all of you to fill each of them, and I mean all of you, so I’ll tag everyone who has collected medals: @pictoshark @Blackrune @Karifean @Restkastel @CounterShadowform @Exalt @King_Titanite_XV @Wonderlander

Puzzle 16

  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, and don’t plan to do so
  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, but plan to do so
  • I have looked at this puzzle, but don’t have a solution
  • I have already sent a solution to this puzzle

0 voters

Puzzle 17

  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, and don’t plan to do so
  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, but plan to do so
  • I have looked at the puzzle, but don’t have a solution
  • I have already sent a solution to this puzzle

0 voters

Puzzle 18

  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, and don’t plan to do so
  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, but plan to do so
  • I have looked at the puzzle, but don’t have a solution
  • I have already sent a solution to this puzzle

0 voters

Puzzle 19

  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, and don’t plan to do so
  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, but plan to do so
  • I have looked at the puzzle, but don’t have a solution
  • I have already sent a solution to this puzzle

0 voters

Puzzle 20

  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, and don’t plan to do so
  • I haven’t looked at the puzzle, but plan to do so
  • I have looked at the puzzle, but don’t have a solution
  • I have already sent a solution to this puzzle

0 voters

So I’ll give another week again (Saturday, 1st April, 8PM UTC), and depending on how the polls go, I’ll do further stuff during the week.

I’m just stumped on the others at the moment, though I guess there’s always a chance inspiration will suddenly strike…
Maybe it’s time to give out some small hints so they don’t go to waste~? :slight_smile:

I took looked at to mean “tried to solve” here. Sorry for not reading properly

So okay, seems to look like hints are needed. I’ll put them in boxes as well, just in case someone among you doesn’t want hints (wouldn’t want to ruin it):

Puzzle 16

All volumes that are needed here can be expressed by combining cones of various sizes. As the volume of a body is proportional to the third power of a length on that body if similar bodies are viewed, you don’t even need the formula for the volume of a cone.

Puzzle 18

I said in the puzzle itself what questions aren’t allowed. As hint I’m going to say what specifically is allowed: You can use compound subjects (i.e. combining statements with “and” and “or” and the like), so “Is it correct that the sky is blue and the grass is green?” would be a valid question.

Puzzle 19

All is not as it seems. For this one, I’ll say look for homonyms of the word “Square”

Puzzle 20

Try to think of ways of how to break down a big number into several factors. You no doubt did that in school at some point.

Well, I think it’s about time to close this round and give you the solutions.

Puzzle 16 Solution (provided by me)

The volume of a body is always proportional to the third power of a length on this body, if similar bodies are viewed. Our body is a cone and we use its height as the length on the body. If we use a bad approach, we will however get to an equation of third grade. While these equations are theoretically solvable, the formulas needed are not very well known. Following is a solution that only uses simple school math. The complete cone has the height n. We separate this cone just like the artist, so the the top part has the remaining height m. The volume of this top part therefore has the volume m^3. The bottom part has the volume n^3-m^3. If we put the smaller cone inside the ring, we have to further subtract the volume of the part of the smaller cone that is inside the lower third of the big cone. This volume is m^3-(2m-n)^3. Therefore the volume of the ring is n^3-2m^3+(2m-n)^3. You probably noticed that we don’t work with the actual volumes of the bodies themselves. For those you usually also need a factor which is different depending on what type of body you calculate the volume of. In the case of a sphere, this factor would be 4/3 π . Since we are however going to compare the volumes of similar bodies to each other, or rather, equate those, these factors are irrelevant and would just be subtracted on both sides of the equation. Equating those two volumes gives us m^3= n^3-2m^3+(2m-n)^3. This can be transformed to 5m^3-12m^2n+6mn^2=0.
Nothing speaks against putting n to 1 and getting a value for m from there. After all, it is said that the original cone has the height of 1 meter. Then we get 5m^3-12m^2+6m=0. Dividing this by m gets us 5m^2-12m+6=0. Then dividing it by 5 gives us m^2-(12/5)m+6/5=0

As one of those is greater than 1 and is therefore geometrically impossible, is the only possible solution, and the cone must be separated at a height of which is roughly 29 cm.

This Puzzle was solved by no one.

Puzzle 17 Solution (854 can't be reached provided by me, 854 can be reached provided by Karifean)

854 can’t be reached:

A first consideration: Of course the berry witch can put weights in both sides of the balance, which means that she can not only weigh sums of the weights, but also differences. Would she for example want to weigh 20 gram, she would put the 25 gram weight in one side, and the 1 and 4 gram weights in the other, and fill that side with berries until the balance is in balance. If we were to calculate all possible sums and differences of the first five weights, we would see that some weights can’t be measured yet:
18, 42, 43, 54, 55, 59, 63, 67, 68, 72.
All other weights between 1 and 74 can be measured. Our next weight should now have the maximum weight of 2*74, since we get to 74 with the first five weights and would reach the next number by subtracting these weights from the new weight. With this view, the most fitting square number would be 144. However, 18 would still be impossible to depict with that, and we want a maximal row of depictable numbers. Taking that into consideration, 64 would be the next weight. This one does not only allow us to weigh 18 gram, but also all other numbers mentioned above. However, now we get a new chain of impossible to depict numbers, namely the above numbers raised by 64, or 82…
This is that way because we still can’t form a matching summand to add to 64 with the other weights. If we continue in this way, the other two weights are 196 and 576. To get to 773, we definitely need the two heaviest weights, which brings us to 772, missing 1 gram, so that weight must also be used on the same side, bringing us to the solution that 3 weights were used. Now, this is not a mathematical proof, only a possible thought process of how to get to the solution.

854 can be reached:

I brute-forced this one. Wrote a program that creates all possible triples for the remaining weights, checked if they could reach all grams from 1 through 854, and then, once it found one, checked how 773 can be weighted with these weights.

The weights I found for the ‘heavier’ weights are 144, 196 and 625. They can weigh 773 grams by putting 1 and 4 on the same side as the thing you’re weighing and 625, 144 and 9 on the opposite side. So in conclusion she used 5 of her weights.

This Puzzle was solved by @Karifean.

Puzzle 18 Solution (provided by me)

You can ask the following question: "Is it correct that you are either a liar of that the choir meets behind the right door?"
Let’s look at a table that tells us what he says in which case:

We see, that, independent of him being a liar or not, he answers Yes if the choir meets behind the right door, and says No if they meet behind the left door.

This Puzzle was solved by @Karifean.

Puzzle 19 Solution (provided by me)

A square number can also be called a square, and here you see the square of the size 1 depicted 6 times as a roman numeral. Furthermore, 1^1 is also depicted 5 times, which equals 1 and is therefore a square of the same size, which already brings us to 11 squares. Then there’s 1^1^1 4 times, and so on and so forth, bringing us to a total of 21 squares of the same size.

This Puzzle was solved by no one.

Puzzle 20 Solution (provided by CounterShadowform)

715 has only three prime factors—5, 11, and 13—showing that the housewife has exactly three children and that their ages as reported earlier must have been 13, 11, and 5. Since birthdays can occur throughout the year and it is unknown when this conversation takes place, the children’s ages might not have increased by the same amount, but the maximum difference in increases (for integer ages) can’t be more than one year. We already know that the children’s current ages multiply to 1260, so the only possibility for the set of their current ages is 15, 12, and 7. If Monika’s birthday is tomorrow (and assuming that time of birth is not being factored in—otherwise someone could turn a new age later on the day of the conversation), then her age will be the next to update. Since the difference between two children in number of birthdays since the earlier conversation can’t be more than one, and the middle child has had one fewer birthday since that conversation took place, the middle child must be Monika. As the middle child is currently 12 years old, this means that Monika is turning 13.

This Puzzle was solved by @Blackrune and @CounterShadowform.


Current round:

  1. @Karifean with 11 medals
  2. @Blackrune with 3 medals
  3. @CounterShadowform with 3 medals


  1. @Karifean with 35 medals
  2. @Blackrune with 27 medals
  3. @CounterShadowform with 17 medals
  4. @pictoshark with 6 medals
  5. @Restkastel with 5 medals
  6. @Wonderlander with 3 medals
  7. @King_Titanite_XV with 2 medals
  8. @Exalt with 1 medal

For now this little competition will go on a break. I urge you all to use the time to read Higurashi.

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