Maria's Puzzle Book Reloaded [Puzzle 26]

Carl Friedrich decided to do the exercise in Finnish, and the word for “thousand” is the only word in range 1 to 1000000 that fulfills the condition. So, the answer is 1000.


good point midsummer.
@VyseGolbez what country are they in?

They are in England, so working with english numbers is what I want you to do. So no, @midsummer , Carl Friedrich did not do the excercise in finnish.

dammit, if he’d have said UK instead of england we could’ve tried in welsh

Ah well…

Okay I tried to do something, the amout of numbers with the same letters
From 100-199 = 9 (the sum is 1358)
From 1000-1999 = 90 (the sum is 135080)
So I guess 10000-19999 the sum will be 1350080
From 200-299 = 9 (the sum is 2312)
From 2000-2999 = 90 (the sum is 225620)

Another fun thing
From 200-299 (the sum is 2312)
From 300-399 (the sum is 3212)
the difference is 900
From 2000-2999 (the sum is 225620)
From 3000-3999 (the sum is 315620)
the difference is 90k

So there is a pattern i guess

Okay I think the easiest way here is building the progressions and finding the sum

For example from
10002 10022 10032 10042 10052 10062 10072 10082 10092
10102 10122 10132 10142 10152 10162 10172 10182 10192
difference between 2 rows is exactly 900
so we have 9 numbers in each column and we have to do like 100 rows of combinations so 900 numbers
Sn = ((a1+an)/2) * n
so we have S900 = ((90458 (sum of first row) + 899558)/2) * 900 = 445507200
a900=90458+900 * 899

I tried to count everything this way but I might have made a mistake somewhere I got

Actually I remembered that 11000 is eleven thousand so this method wont apply for 10000-19999 but I think it works for other big numbers

Recounted again and got 4414488098580

(Vyse say something… :blushing:)

Both are wrong.

:mii:but do you really know


Is using programming to solve the puzzle allowed?

Yes, that would basically be doing it the brute force way, although I’ll tell you that it is not required.

import inflect

p = inflect.engine()
sum = 0

for i in range(1,1000001):
  word = p.number_to_words(i)
  if word[0] is word[-1]:
    sum += i


The answer would be 55862927592.

You can try it out in

so in python strings wrap around immediately, causing word [-1] to be the last letter?

Python indexing allows negative numbers to represent indices from the end of the array. So, -1 is the last index, -2 is the second-last, and so on. Applies to all arrays.

sum += i


It is a shorthand for “sum = sum + i”.

Yes, but wouldn’t that increase the sum by 19 for the number “19” instead of actually just counting them?


oh, I thought to count them for some reason. Good thing I didn’t tackle this puzzle, heh.