Rokkenjima Discord Chat

Lishy on Discord.

My first time using it, though. So I’m still trying to figure it out…

Heya! I’m Nastu on discord! Also a first-time user! Doesn’t the logo look like Mickey Mouse’s pants?

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Usually cjlim2007 on discord but my current name is デリシャス(21)

C.I. Helrul on Discord (lets be original)

Im Yerian on Discord

I’m bionic on discord

I’ll be UsagiTenpura on discord… if I can figure out how to work it out :stuck_out_tongue:

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7-D is the name. (not sure how to do this)

I’m Bern on Discord.

I’m Mii on Discord

I’m Renall on Discord. And also here, I mean.

Funyarinpa requesting access!

@Funyarinpa If you don’t link to your post in in our Discord access-requests channel, the bot won’t be able to verify you.

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Thanks, my bad.

I’m Len on Discord - since I’m not original at all, apparently!

I’m ourfairduke on discord. Could I get the keys to the house please?

@Len @Ourfairduke I apologise, our bot doesn’t seem to be working properly right now, still waiting for @uppfinnarn to fix it…

I’ll need to verify you manually. Best bet is to get on the access requests channel and tag my name (@Aspirety) to let me know you’re there so I can verify you. Assuming I’m at the computer. Sorry for the incovnenience.

Bot is fixed!
(I’d just like to point out that it was @Aspirety’s fault it broke in the first place…)


My bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi I’m Sunleaf_Willow /(^ n ^=)\ on discord! I look forward to sharing tea with you all~