There we go.

White’s turn.

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That diagram seems to be missing the previous move by white, Ange to F1.

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Right, didn’t see that. Fixed.

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Battler’s pretty screwed. Meh, I’ll try to delay it for a while.

Battler to D1

“Damn it… we can’t attack… it’s all useless. We have to fall back for now.”

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Black’s turn.

Ronove to E5

“Do not fret, Battler. It will all be over soon, pukukukuku~”

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White’s turn.

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“Gah… It’s all useless…”

Battler to E1

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Black’s turn.

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Stake from F4 to F3

“I will gladly sacrifice myself for Beatrice-sama’s Golden Land!”

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Mammon of Greed by the way.

White’s turn.

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I don’t really see the consequences of doing this, soooooooo

“Take this, ya greedy pawn, you!”

Hideyoshi to F3, capturing Mammon

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Too bad. The consequences are dire.

Lambdadelta to D2, checkmate

“I’m kinda disappointed that I didn’t get to eat Bern, but you’ll make for a decent replacement, Battler~”


Fuck my ass with a spoon how did I not see that

I’m literally so disappointed in myself now. I assumed you were going to get Hideyoshi with Ronove, and then I’d get Ronove with Shannon, and then just let the game progress from there.

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White captures a piece.
Mammon: Sacrificed herself for the sake of victory

Black’s turn.

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Getting killed by Hideyoshi, that must be pretty infuriating

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So, the game ended in checkmate by Lambda to D2, but what if white had chosen differently?

Capturing Mammon with Ange results in Ronove capturing back, after which if Shannon captures Ronove, Lambda goes to G1, causing checkmate. Not good. White could capture Ronove with Hideyoshi instead since it would no longer be an instant checkmate due to F1 being free, but white’s life expectancy would be very short, what with only Shannon to defend Battler from Lambda and Chiester 410.

Capturing Mammon with Shannon would once again result in Ronove capturing back. Capturing with Hideyoshi still results in immediate checkmate. Since capturing with Ronove attacks Battler, White can only move Battler to D1 or capture Ronove with Ange. If Ange captures Ronove, Lambda goes to G2. The only legal move for white would be to move Ange back to F1. Then, black can put Battler to check by moving Chiester 410 to D2. After Battler captures 410, Lambda is free to capture Ange, after which black has its queen on the board and white has nothing but pawns that can’t advance.

If Battler goes to D1 instead of Ange capturing Ronove, Lambda can go to F4, threatening checkmate. The only way to avoid instant loss would be Battler to C2, after which Lambda chases to D2, and when Battler retreats to the B-file, Lambda can either give chase or start capturing white’s pawns for free, starting from Hideyoshi, opening up a way to promote the D-Stake.

Not capturing Mammon at all would’ve just resulted in Mammon advancing to F2, and then later on Lambda going to G1, forcing a trade-off in which ultimately black is left with a queen and white is left with pretty much nothing.

So, in short, white was utterly screwed anyway.


Nice analysis. You a big chess player @midsummer?


Not by any serious standards, but I like to think of myself as pretty decent for a casual player. I have friend who has played on a professional level and another who is really interested in truly improving his game. Playing with them and having a number of years of casual play under my belt before I met them has given me some insight into the finer points of chess, but club level players would probably still destroy me.

If anyone wants to play some correspondence chess with me, I’ll happily take challenges. Just send me a private message if you’re interested.

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Was kinda waiting for black to move Mammon forward the entire game, because there was another time before that where there was a checkmate with that strat (though it involved Virgillia as well).

Going to page @edit_anon because I don’t think he saw your previous move of Lambdadelta to D2. That or he’s waiting for it to be posted again.

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