Umineko Episode 1 - Full Series Spoilers General

I was really impressed with EP1 on re-read (especially cause I thought it was boring on the first read). All the clues are presented. Even Easter eggs clues for higurashi fans, as ShiON and MiON use the same ON as KanON and ShannON.

If you accept that that the personalities are distinct individuals then only Beatrice loves Battler, but the others do not.

It’s not that simple though. In the manga Confession of the Golden Witch, we get an insight into Sayo’s feelings once she learns that Battler is coming back and the scene depicts a struggle. Sayo claims that her current self only loves George, but Beatrice says that’s not really true and calls her a liar, and the dialogue implies that Sayo is secretly overjoyed that Battler is coming back, no matter how much she tries to separate herself from her feelings.

Kanon’s reaction is no surprise if we take that into account. It is essentially Sayo seeing Battler for the first time in years.


Yeah, plus that’s not how Dissociative Identity Disorder works anyway. It was one of the biggest criticisms when Ep. 6 came out. Personalities don’t talk to each other, plan murders, die at command and you can’t switch personalities at will.

Yasu basically creates personas to escape her loneliness/situation. It’s something the first part of Ep. 2 touches heavily (With Jessica and Kanon).


Not to mention that Sayo has complete control over each persona (and can essentially kill them whenever she wants). Also, lovely quote and such cool foreshadowing. Based Ryukishi.