This quote really stood out to me considering recent events in my life.
Do they sell Bepis products there?
I’m not going to remember what chapter some of these are from, but this post is going to be only ones that amused me rather than major plot stuff.
Pretty certain the one below this sentence is from early Chapter 3 though.
This last one is from later in chapter 4
Well, I’ll help then. The Delsney Land one is from EP1, The Hawaii one is from EP4, The Tsundora one is from EP2, And the Metal Gear Beatrice one is from EP2.
I remembered the Delsney Land one but it was from so early I didn’t even feel the need to cover it. But thank you.
Let me just dig through my 13,900-something screenshots…
None of these ones are quotes; I might post some later.
I just love the double reference at the end here.
Love the style of the magic shields. I find the purple one especially pretty.
This mystery is absolutely beautiful in its taunting of Battler.
The portrait epitaph, as presented in Ep3.
Episode 4 intro. Ancora non capisci?
EP7 spoilers
I swear I read a post somewhere a week or two ago asking about the gold of Beatrice’s, and something about the significance of the Eagle, but now I can’t find it? I figured this screenshot here would be relevant.
Introducing my album of Episode 5 screens! Tons of screens! More screens than you can shake a candlestick at. 870 of them actually.
Finished Episode 6 a few days back, here’s all the screens I took! Click the image for the full album.
Ah, thank you for posting these Aspirety, as I haven’t purchased Chiru and thus can’t see the sprites for the new characters. Ikuko looks pretty good, especially her outfit and as much as I dislike Chick Beatrice, I really like her crossed arms pose.
Some Ougon Musou dialogue since there are some noteworthy lines and interactions in there:
Bernkastel aiding Kanon is a very interesting case to me. A kakera were he becomes Bern’s piece in return for having more power or hoping for a miracle to be with Jessica?
I like this exchage. I don’t know why.
Kanon mocks his opponents to pray for a miracle in front of the Witch of Miracles herself.
I would’ve love to see an actual stand off battle between Willard and Erika. Best to replace her fight with Battler during EP 8.
Another interesting case of Ange teaming up with Willard. Maybe her journey would have been a little less traumatic if Will was by her side to apprise his philosophy onto her.
I’m freaking dead.
Oh please Will. Don’t pretend you don’t secretly enjoy it.
Golden Fantasia is all the Umineko fanservice we could ever ask for.
It didn’t come to my mind to pair Ange and Will. That is some interesting dialogue. And Ange is Battlers sister after all.
This is my favourite quote, it’s a summary of Umineko in just one phrase.
And this one from the EP1, when you know the truth it’s really sad, Lambda is being really mean.