Umineko is almost deliberately crafted in a way that only some people will get and appreciate. Ryukishi actually touches on this a bit in Our Confession, where he gets what can easily be read as being highly self-critical and introspective during a conversation with Dlanor and Beatrice.
[details=Excerpts from Our Confession]
[quote]“You wrote that it was for 1 in 1000 people, but I think it’s the OPPOSITE. Although you want all the other people beyond that 1 in 1000 to truly read your story, there is no doubt they won’t be able to grasp the half that is stripped down and buried AWAY.”
"Kukkukukuku. But isn’t that just fine? It’s extravagant literature where only the surface is preserved as story. And is not casting aside all those readers beyond the 1 in 1000 itself so very delightfully extravagant?
"…Are you happy with THAT? People paint stories to be READ. …To paint a story not to be read by anyone, to cast it into darkness by one’s own will, is beyond extravagance; it can even be thought to be FOOLISH.
“Kukkukku. But isn’t that just fine? If things written so that the 999 of 1000 people can understand them can be called “civilization’s” writings, then it would be most fitting if my story, written so that only 1 in 1000 can understand it, could be called an “oddity” writing. …It’s a story painted by a witch, so if it has an “odd” taste then should it not be called an “oddity” writing?” [/quote]
[quote]=====As a result of Lady Beatrice’s death, I am releasing this incomplete tale in accordance with her will.
In reading this work, I was reminded of her long years of sadness, and couldn’t hold back my tears. But at the same time, I felt pity for her.
Although she was searching for someone who had love, I am sad to say that ironically, her heart was filled with anger at those who did not. She once told me that it was fine if her story reached only one person in a thousand.
However, that was wrong. Out of those thousand people, she wished her story would reach even one more person. If you asked her, she would surely laugh and deny it. But those were without question her true feelings.
In the beginning, I was uncertain about releasing this manuscript. I thought that I should hide it, so as to preserve her mystery for the one-in-a-thousand savior she spoke so often about. But as I read and reread it… I began to realize that the manuscript was a message with no destination address.
It was a wish that even she never realized she had. But now I understand it, and I think it should be granted. That is the reason I decided to release this incomplete manuscript.
After you read this, it doesn’t matter whether your feelings toward the woman named Beatrice are love or anger.
But if you can, try to reach her feelings, buried in the deepest part of the story. She said that she wrote two stories and revealed one. However, that was also wrong. She wrote three stories and revealed one. By reading this incomplete manuscript, you will know two of those stories. I would like you to reach the third and final one with your own power. As another woman, I strongly wish that of those reading this work.
Without love, it can’t be seen.
They are her words. But I shall repeat them.
Love exists in everyone’s hearts.
Her true tragedy was that she couldn’t see it.
My deepest thanks go out to everyone who helped with the compilation of this book. Especially my assistant, アン ズー.
– Dlanor A. Knox===== [/quote]
I think Ryukishi was fully aware that Umineko would only reach a handful of people, yet at the same time he can’t deny that what he actually wants is for more people to see what he put so much effort into. It’s for this reason why I think Episode 8 turned “preachy” sometimes, not that that helped his image in the slightest. But I think that’s partly why he decided to make the manga more explicit about things. Even if there’s a certain beauty to the visual novel being this really esoteric work of art that some people will get and most won’t, really, it’s also being rather deliberately exclusive which ultimately just isn’t what he wants. The way he went about it, preserving the original while creating a more accessible version, was probably the best thing he could’ve done anyways.
All of this is my speculation of course, but I don’t think I’m wrong on this.
Btw I strongly recommend reading Fata Morgana for yourself ^^ it’s a great work, and it is very different from Umineko; it’s not doing it any favor to be put as an equal to it.