What would your theme music as a detective in a Mystery Novel be?

Because Russian Holmes is awesome!

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I suppose it depends on what kind of reveal you’re going for. If it’s something like Agatha Christie’s reveals where you get all the people involved into a circle and have the detective pace back and forth as they announce the solution you might want one thing. If it’s a kind of life or death scenario when the hero figures everything out you’d go with another.
I feel like in either case you might be able to get away with ‘O Fortuna’ as overplayed as that song is.

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Somehow the title question and the quoted question are two different things.

I guess I’ll say ‘Lastendconductor’ from Umineko.

[quote=“Seraphitic, post:4, topic:1254”]
I suppose it depends on what kind of reveal you’re going for. If it’s something like Agatha Christie’s reveals where you get all the people involved into a circle and have the detective pace back and forth as they announce the solution you might want one thing.

The original question was for something like that.

Also my choice would probably be the instrumental version of EP5-6’s OP seen in CROSS.

Blame @pictoshark, he didn’t want to make the topic.

It’s not a detective theme, but I really love the orchestrated version of Happy Maria from When They Sing.
It reminds me so much of Alice in Wonderland I love it.


Imagine this playing after proving your theory correct to someone

My theme would be this:

A nice calming, yet mysterious theme.

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My investigatory theme would be Fishy Aroma. However, this would be my theme when I put the pieces together and totally annihilate the mystery:


Hohohoho, a fellow Sharnoth fan I see?

I tend to think of myself as something of a bumbling detective who stumbles on the truth from absurd angles. As such my investigative them would be something silly like this :

I’d imagine when I do get around revealing the truth, I would ham it up more so for the theatrics of it all, rather than caring about the practical value of my proclamations. In other words to exemplify that I am a clown who is enthralled by having the audience hang on to my every word, I might play something as absurd and over the top as my state of being :

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Yes and No.

This is mostly because while I have read a bit of sharnoth via youtube, because Mangagamer is localizing Shiei no-Sona nyl, I’ll hold off reading it until Mangagamer releases both series officially in english.

But yeah I found Sharnoth to be interesting.

Well in the mean time you can read Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning if you hadn’t done so already! It is part of the same franchise as Sharnoth.

I mean, what’d you expect?


Nepu or Nepgya were high contenders I think.


Well, I can’t really consider nepyaaa a “song” even by stretching it.

… but I suppose I could try to think of a better/more serious candidate.
To be followed…

Well, if I was in a mystery novel… with sound for some reason… I’d have a theme all of my own, wouldn’t I? So, really, putting a theme from somewhere else wouldn’t truly answer the question. Any theme I pick would be a fake, you see.

So, that being said, I’m gonna have to go with this.


The lesson today is, that you can’t escape being a fake so you might as well take it in stride.

Heheh. I’m glad I uploaded a composition on my youtube channel today.

This shall be my own theme~


The Melodies of Logic Must be Played Truthfully - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ebmV2jZrrE

Spiral ~ Suiri no Kizuna the anime has probably been forgotten to the ages for good reason - as an adaptation that covers less than half a shonen conspiracy manga it didn’t really do anything to make it stand out against other detective anime. But when Funimation was first releasing it I got really into it, and I still think back fondly on the series. And because of my time with it I can picture no other song playing as the mystery comes together. I still get excited when I hear it!