A Seasoned Veteran and a Sherlock-in-Training Try to Make Sense of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni

Kinzo has an interesting change of heart, the family investigates the chapel further, and then…

You’ve been waiting, I’ve been waiting, and now it’s finally out in the open; THE RED TRUTH

Maybe this will mean nothing,
But I doubt that will be the case, given
That Ryukishi :ryukishi: has been so deliberate thus far with all his
Questions. I guess we’ll find out


Bad jokes aside, this one was really, really exciting. I think you can tangibly hear my enthusiasm building in this episode; this was an amazing revelation and I am looking forward to its implications as we press on. I think if anything, this was the single thing that told me I could, and should, solve this mystery; I hope you’re all as excited as I am :ryukishi:


Dread of the Grave is such a hype track. I vote for it to be made Battler’s Defacto Pursuit Theme.

(Full Series Spoilers) “And I never betray a woman’s expectations!” Battler you liar >_>

Ahh, I remember the old days when I was spoiled about the red truth’s existence and spent much of EP1 wondering when it would appear along with Beatrice. When I finally got to this chapter, I remember being so hype like I had just reached Umineko’s core.


Yea we mention it in the episode, but I too had actually seen the Red Truth in the Steam preview pictures, much to @MagusVerborum’s chagrin. Even having seen it, I had no idea what it meant, so it was absolutely amazing to learn what that was, especially given the image that they chose for said preview picture.

Man, your “Anything Battler can solve is too easy” and equating Battler to Watson almost makes me feel sorry for the guy. Almost.


I also want to chime in that I’m enjoying this playthrough and looking forward to seeing more.
I just got one of my friends to read Umineko and seeing how Magus interacts with Jokrono throughout the playthough by questioning his thoughts without giving away anything by “neither confirming nor denying” has inspired me a little on how to interact with my friend while he reads. As excited as I am to have someone to introduce to the series, I have to be very careful with what I say. I want to learn what my friend thinks while trying not to say too much or leading him, as well and trying to be a little misleading at times so certain scenes still have the same impact.
Magus does a great job at it to the point where Jokrono seems like he’s not sure what could be a hint and what could be a red herring. Not only does the story does its job of being a wild ride, but so does the passenger in this playthrough.


It’s starting to become a bit more difficult for @MagusVerborum these days as I think I’m a bit more on top of the story, but his execution of guiding me through is really astounding. I don’t think I can understate how impressed I am with his performance, especially the further we get in and the more I understand.

In going back and editing it’s really amazing to see his responses to my guesses and how he interacts with ideas that are correct versus incorrect. It’s also really entertaining for me to do the mental gymnastics of spinning the chessboard around and around on why he responds in certain ways. There definitely have been some slip ups that I’ve caught (including one fantastic one in EP3 and 4 :ryukishi:), but he’s just doing a top-notch job. I think this back and forth is definitely part of what makes the playthrough most enjoyable for me, and I hope for everyone else too.

As I’ve said in this thread, Magus told me the way he does it is to ask questions based on what he was thinking when he first read through it, and I think that’s a great piece of advice to start with.


So, did you finish Episode 4? Also, I’m really happy for you, it seems you won the answer arcs, right? Please don’t take too long to post the next video, I wanna hear more of your silly voices.

Fortunately you don’t have too long to wait! Here is the next part :ryukishi:

Also @TsukiyoAlex, we have one recording session left (we think) to finish Ep4, so that should be done and dusted this weekend. The last thing we saw was the enormous chapter which seemed to include twilights 2-8? I have a heavy feeling we’re being bamboozled in ep4.


I’d just like to take this moment to curse you both for reading Kyrie as ‘Kairee’ for so long that when I was reading through DAwM’s gameboard, I couldn’t help but use that pronunciation in my mind whenever I read her name.

Truly, you have ruined Umineko forever.


@Jokrono @MagusVerborum repeat after me, ki(like in kihihi), ree(like in reek), eh(like a startled person would talk “eh?”), ki-ree-eh. Though I’m 99% sure you’ll just ignore it.

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They have said in the past that they have already fixed their pronunciation in future videos. The release schedule just hasn’t caught up to that point yet.


Well that was our goal all along… good work us! :cackle:


I assume you guys have looked up Laplace’s Demon since then? It’s an essential piece of philosophy knowledge! :push:

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I can’t wait for us to get so far in with our original pronunciation of Kyrie that it sounds weird when we eventually switch :ryukishi:

Also @Aspirety I don’t think we did at the time but I’m familiar with it now. I’d heard the theory before but never using that name, oddly enough.

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It’s time for fun times in the servant room. I’m sure nothing will go wrong in the near future…

Man I really wish we had Kyrie around for something like this, she’d know what to do. Kyrie would be able to put things to rights, sort everything out. Ah man, it’s too bad Kyrie’s dead right now. If only Kyrie could come back somehow and help us :smug: :ryukishi:


And so, the tyrannical rule of Kairee ends.


I don’t know if you noticed that already, but Rosa tried the key assumed to be Jessica’s key on the door, so it definitely was Jessica’s key. Any new theories on how this happened then? Battler really did a great job ruling Kanon out. :cackle:


Yeah it’s odd that they ignored that.

This was a fantastic episode though, seeing Jokrono’s reactions was priceless, and yet he’s surprisingly resilient. This is the point where many Rokkenjima readers threw in the towel, so it’s great that Jokrono is still actively thinking about ways to explain what’s happening. I look forward to his theories next part.


I am more amused by Felix intiial explanations for Kanon’s appearance. I mean “OH HEY KANON’s HEART MAY HAVE STOPPED SO HE TECHNICALLY DIED, BUT THEN LIKE HE WAS RESUSCITATED OR SOMETHING” was both clever and very Battler-like in absurdity. I applaud him .


The participants in the question arcs Tea Parties went through similar trains of thought, but my counter to that would be that that only applies to the definition of ‘death’. I don’t think you can ‘kill’ somebody if they’re still able to walk around, to kill implies that the “piece has been removed from the board” so to speak.

Although I guess Shiro Emiya would argue otherwise…

Basically Umineko is actually just a big semantics study.