Ask a 07th Expansion fan!

I think my preferred order would be Someutsushi > Kageboshi > Tokihogushi > Yoigoshi > Miotsukushi Omote > Ura > Kotohogushi > Taraimawashi > Tsukiotoshi.

And then Hajisarashi I guess :pukuku:


There is not an Umineko Tsubasa thread as far as Iā€™m aware, but I wanted to ask, is it fine to read Tsubasa without having finished Umineko? Now, as everybody here knows, I donā€™t care about spoilers and have pretty much spoiled myself on everything, but still, one should read Umineko for themselves to have full knowledge about it and fully understand it, so is it fine to read Tsubasa without being clear on all Umineko plot points? I gather that it also was released whilst the manga was still running, so itā€™s fine, I guess?

From what I have read of Tsubasa, it is a collection of short side stories. I donā€™t think it would be too much of a spoiler if you went ahead and read it before finishing Chiru, as you have finished Episode 7, correct?

I think as long as youā€™ve made it to at least Episode 6, youā€™ll be fine! Iā€™ve not finished Tsubasa myself but the stories are more of an additive, usually entirely unrelated to the next.

Oh, I see. Well, I might as well go and read it, I suppose.

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Iā€™m pretty sure some of those stories rely on Episode 7 knowledge thoughā€¦

Earlier she stated she finished EP7.
Link is to Umineko EP7 spoiler-free discussion topic, for anyone wondering.

Oh fair enough then

How does installing the Github Patch work? I installed the Onikakushi patch and I think it may have crashed on me or something-all I know is that two error codes came up and the patch download stopped running.

I, I really donā€™y know what Iā€™m doing here, haha.
Lemme see if using the manual installation is betterā€¦
Muy, I really have zero idea what Iā€™m doing

Which method are you trying to use to install it? I found the automatic method to be really good (as long as your anti virus doesnā€™t tag it) but they should have a link to a guide you can follow regardless of which you use

Iā€™m doing the auto install method (Auto-Patcher). For some reason it just isnā€™t updating the game.
I went to the Onikakushi Properties, opened up the Onikakushi installer and let t run to completion but nothingā€™s happened so far.

Weird, let me check if it works for me. Otherwise you can try to patch it manually, itā€™ll take longer but it should work just as well.

Edit: What happens when you open the installer? Does a cmd.exe window open and download the files it needs? You should only need to start the installer, make sure that the pathway is correct and the window should open.

Yes, the installer window always opens and it appears to download the necessary files such as voices and background.

What does the error codes say?

Hrm, I donā€™t exactly remember, but I do know that I got two error code lines.
I can try and check when get back to my house.

It does say that ā€œIf you get an error, this completely normalā€ at the top of the download so itā€™s difficult to say whatā€™s wrong with it. Could you try running it again and post a screenshot of the messages once you come home? (Though Iā€™ll be going to bed pretty soon so Iā€™ll check on it when I wake up tomorrow)

The error codes are:

[ERROR] CUID#7 - Download aborted. URI=
Exception: [] errorCode=22 URI=
-> [] errorCode=22 The response status is not successful. status=403

[ERROR] CUID#11 - Download aborted. URI=
Exception: [] errorCode=22 URI=
-> [] errorCode=22 The response status is not successful. status=403

Hmmm, I didnā€™t have any problem downloading the files. However it appears that it doesnā€™t patch the game as it should as I still get the old background and so on. I have to look into it further later today but for now I suggest you download the manual patch instead. There is a good guide on their page that you can follow and it should be pretty easy

Do I have to extract each voice patch folder or just one considering the files seem to be the same for each one? Also, Iā€™m not seeing a CG folder, but I do see a ā€œUpdateā€ and ā€œSEā€ folder

I think I know where you are looking and this link is probably better: Download all the files, place them in their respective locations and you should be good to go

@EternalMagician thanks but for some reason I donā€™t see the voice patch inside the streaming assest folder. I do see BGM, CG. CGAlt, CompiledScripts, CompiliedUpdateScripts, SE, Scripts, update and two text documents.