There is, apparently, a vocal version of Axelle Ratio! Unfortunately, this ( is the only bit of it I could find… It was apparently never used in-game, but was on the OST. Unfortunately, can’t find the RGD soundtrack anywhere! Does anybody have an idea where this elusive bit of 07th Expansion soundtrack might be hiding?
Oh man this is good! Axelle Ratio (or is it supposed to be Acceleratio?) is probably my favorite track from the OST.
Are there any RGD spoilers to be found here?
On the video? No. You’ll probably find some if you go digging for the track, though, as it belongs to a rather controversial character.
@Karifean I know, right? (And Axelle Ratio, along with Dance of the Moon Rabbits, is one of the only songs I’ve ever heard to trigger an instantaneous, sphincter-clenched, response of terror.)
Alright, I won’t look for now then, as I’m slowly reading RGD.
Probably a good idea, best not to spoil anything.
Thanks, though! Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it! Rose Guns Days is one of my favorite VNs of all time, but the first half can be kinda slow at times.