Ho, there’s a familiar face. I’ve looked forward to crossing swords with you, Blackrune.
Alas, I refuse your request! I can’t very well lay out the location of each of my props at all times now, can I?
Ho, there’s a familiar face. I’ve looked forward to crossing swords with you, Blackrune.
Alas, I refuse your request! I can’t very well lay out the location of each of my props at all times now, can I?
“At the time Genji and the adults entered the storage room together, the storage room window was still closed and locked.”
Ah, um. Well. Hm.
The thing about that, you see… well. I refuse.
Just kidding. [color=red]At the time Genji and the siblings entered the storage room together, the storage room window was still closed and locked. [/color]
Repeat after me in red, please:
“No windows were opened or closed after Genji’s discovery of Kinzo’s corpse.”
Hm. You’re treading the line here, I’m afraid. I don’t think I’ll be quite this generous. I refuse.
“At the moment Genji first stepped into the storage room on the morning of the body’s discovery, the only human body in the storage room aside from him (‘him’ being Genji) was that of Kinzo.”
I refuse. I won’t state my reason.
Please repeat:
“Kinzo’s death was instantaneous.”
Upping the pace now, are we? You won’t overwhelm me with speed, I’m afraid.
[color=red]After Kinzo received his lethal wound, he could no longer act in any way.[/color] Quite hard to move any gold with a stake through the chest, no?
“The single criteria for someone to be ‘the culprit of this mystery’ is that they killed Ushiromiya Kinzo.”
Hmm… interesting. If a bit of an odd request. It doesn’t feel quite in the spirit to repeat that, as it stands. However, I will give you something close to what you seek.
[color=red]An accomplice is one who kept any potentially relevant information from the others.[/color]
Indulge us, if you would:
The first time he entered the storage room the morning after the VIP meeting, Genji identified the corpse correctly as Ushiromiya Kinzo.
Amusing, to say the least. Simple enough.
[color=red]Nobody would misidentify Kinzo’s body. [/color]
Repeat it:
“No accomplices exist.”
If you will be satisfied with that, then so be it.
[color=red]No accomplices existed in the context of this game.[/color]
Please try and repeat:
“It is possible for the doors to be locked and unlocked from the inside of the rooms, without the need for a key.”
I refuse. I won’t state why.
“No windows were removed from their respective wall for the entirety of this game.” By ‘remove’, I of course mean taking off the frame along with the glass still in it.
Bahaha! You know, I almost feel bad about all this.
Almost. [color=red]No windows were removed from their respective walls during the relevant time period of this game.[/color] You may take that at face value. …But should you?
Repeat: “Nobody else entered or left the storage room between the time Genji first unlocked it and the time he locked it to investigate the vase.”