Let's Rate Dreams

Well… I already am a male but I suppose it does? :stuck_out_tongue:
The weird part is that we were like 10 people, and I have many more female friends than I have male so…

(pasted from discord, so the format is wonky
I had a dream I was in some weird horror story.
Though in fairness
One where the monsters had possibly no success against the main characters.
Hell, it was more like I was in TWO horror stories
Because we left the place, then started hearing about weird tree monsters attacking people some time later, so we went back, with additional help.
And the second time around, there was some kind of carnivorous dinosaur, but circumstances meant it couldn’t get to us at the moment.
That one didn’t end.

I had a dream last night that had to do with eating. Forgot what I was eating though, but I remember my dream self enjoying it.


I don’t really remember my dreams, but I have suffered from sleep paralysis on a semi-consistent basis ever since the age of 10. It happens so often that I can hyperventilate myself out of it now, so it’s not much of big deal.


I misread this as

so I was naturally confused.

I had a dream last night about getting lost with a friend or someone… I’m not sure who it was but they seemed very familiar.

We were wandering around trying to find a way back when friend booked a trip to get back home that was not uber. They said it costed about $2000???

I got upset and checked my bank account only to find that I had only $2000 in my account.

Not sure what happened after that but yeah.

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I haven’t posted in 8 days, so I may as well post so that you all know I’m alive and breathing.

My dreams are strange. They usually are connected to my feelings, and when I’ve gotten over a crush, sometimes they’ll appear in my dream, and then I’ll have feelings for them again.


This just happened to me. Last night I dreamt of the girl that got away, a girl from high school who I could honestly say I crushed on harder than anyone else. We met somewhere and she was disappointed that I hadn’t found someone to be happy with like she did. I remember putting my arm around her shoulders and telling her that in another life she could have accepted me and we’d be happy together, and I distinctly remember thinking about the nature of visual novels and their branching paths at that point.

Now I can’t stop thinking about her. :crying:

I had a bizarre nightmare. I was killed by ISIS because I said something offensive. They caught me and cut my throat in a large storehouse.

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Was it that storehouse?


What do you mean? It might be any storehouse.

I had a dream where I woke up to my roommate bursting through the door with people he called his friends - people I’d never seen before in my life, all moving around my room and getting themselves comfortable without my permission. He explained they’re setting up a plan for a heist of some kind to save the world. I said - alright.

Smash cut to the museum or wherever the heist was happening, I don’t remember, they’re all gathered around the idol - the object they were trying to steal. It was a giant bottle of honey in the shake of a Mickey Mouse glove. I think at that point I’d turned against tham and was trying to stop them but I don’t know why. Anyway, the girl that was right in front of it picked it up. Everyone was saying to destroy it to save the world. And yet, she suddenly said: “wait, hang on, this isn’t right”. And one other girl said “this is what we’ve been working towards our whole lives!”

The first girl, though, put the idol back on the pedstal and the other girl ended up revealing herself to be a monster in disguise that was trying to get people to destroy the idol to take over the world or some shit. Seemed to just sort of evaporate then and there. Turns out it was more of a “have you tried plugging it out and back in” kind of deal.

Then next thing I know, I’m chasing my rommate through a foggy street, telling him he’s kicked out for life. Not because of the whole “almost ending the world” thing but because one of his friends had destroyed my keyboard for whatever reason.

I kicked him out for nothing, though, because in the meantime, my apartment somewhere disappeared and I suddenly found myself in an apartment with my parents. I then headed out to go to class, saw the world covered in complete darkness. When to a subway to catch a train, but one specific train had only one ticket seller, so you had to navigate the maze in order to get to the seller you needed.

I boarded on, and ended up in a room with my girlfriend, staring at a clock on the wall as she was telling me something.

I then woke up.

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Here’s a weird ass dream I had last night.

It’s a bit patchy but essentially I had a book of prophecies by Nostradamus on my desk (A guy famous for predicting future events even though he kinda didn’t). It predicted the history of my family to the finest detail and it then predicted that I would end up locking myself in some unknown house addicted to some legal high and alcohol. Then some hurricane flew into my my house and I woke up.

I give this dream an Ashton Kutcher out of a Bad Time travel movie.

Which is to say, I give it an Ashton Kutcher out of an Ashton Kutcher movie.

(im trying to do a butterfly effect joke here while making fun of ashton kutcher but its not quite working out for me here

at least in the former department)

EDIT: It has occurred to me, minutes after posting this, that my response makes no fucking sense. I don’t even know why I thought about the butterfly effect.

oh well

Thanks to me rereading Umineko last night…

I had a dream that this person was talking about this evil plan, but I was all “yep I know where this is going” and ran away. Though then I regretted it once everything blew up and I went back and tried to find allies.

I rarely have any dreams. But thanks to Higurashi and Umineko, I’ve actually had memorable dreams. Dreams that were as lovely as having friends, to darker dreams of revenge against my own classmates. Being someone who didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, I was, as expected, very lonely (this is still the case). Most of the time, my dreams were basically self inserts. When I first watched the Higurashi anime, I felt the main characters, despite flaws and tragedies, they were the ultimate friend group. So I had dreams where I would be with them, playing games with them. Those were the dreams I’d never wanna wake up from. Those times where I was actually happy…I honestly wanted to cry almost every time I awoke from those dreams, because they were so hard to return to.