Rokkenjima Mafia - Game II [Game Over - Human Side Victory]

I just wanna say that both @Pepe and @EternalMagician shouldn’t visit the same people this time. Just in case.

Exactly :stuck_out_tongue: Just wanted to confirm things for myself.

Well alright~~ I guess I will try something else in this perhaps final round :wink:

Either way, there’s nothing stopping eternalmagician from being killed off this twilight. It’s their last feeble hope for resistance.

However… We probably shouldn’t be too cocky. I wouldn’t be surprised if the witch side has one final card up their sleeve.

…if @SuperM hasn’t been around for the witch side as much as their presence on the game board that really makes it sound like they are not the witch. But they might just be avoiding here on purpose. I am really worried that we’re being tricked in some way and, without the detective, we have no real way of knowing what is going on.

Then if I am killed let’s just hope that the summary gives us a clue or that Pepe managed to follow the right person. As long as they don’t have a final trick available to them then we should be able to finish this soon.

An older man follows the last of his suspicions, an old lady. He asks her a few questions until she shoos him away to enjoy a nice nap.

Meanwhile, the old servant goes to check on a mysterious young girl from outside the family, who had been trapped in the mansion with them this entire ordeal. She made it very clear of her intentions to stay firmly in her seat, and to kill time the servant prepared some tea for the two of them.

Quiet mumblings echoed through the marble hall, among the remaining Players, when suddenly The Crimson rose from his throne and stepped around the table to stand in front of one of the still filled seats. He looks inquisitively at the Player sitting there, and to the confusion of the rest, he started poking the man in the chair and kicking at his feet.

“Who left this wannabe corpse in my hall? Didn’t you read the rules with your invitation? I have no sympathy for a Player who won’t Play.”

With a twirl of his robe, several ornate blades materialized in the air around them and smashed the seat, and the Player sitting in it, to dust. Once the air had settled and the messy gap in the circle now visible to all, The Crimson pulled a scroll out of his robe and started checking what Piece he would remove with this Player.

“Oh.” He started rubbing his forehead, looking somewhat amused. “Well, this is awkward.” He spun on his foot and kicked the entire Gameboard off the table, beginning to clap.

“Congratulations, survivors. The Game is closed! Enjoy your victory! Well, except you over there, miss Visitor, but well played regardless.” And with that, The Crimson vanished, and the Players left behind were left to see what this situation really was.

SuperM has been removed for inactivity, they played the role of Chiyo Kumasawa, Witch Aligned Old Bones

With that, all Witch Side Players have died, so this is a Human Side Victory for the Survivors!

Congratulations to our Winners,
Aspirety - Battler Ushiromiya, Human Aligned Incompetent Youth
Pepe - Genji Ronoue, Human Aligned Head Servant
Wonderlander - Jessica Ushiromiya, Human Aligned Joyful Daughter
EternalMagician - Hideyoshi Ushiromiya, Human Aligned Business Pro
Due to your fantastic play, your pieces have survived the Disaster on Rokkenjima!

And while a Loser by association, a last round of applause for
thesorceress - Alice, Another World Aligned Bored Maiden
for surviving to the end of the Gameboard.

Thank you all for playing!
@Karifean @Aspirety @cjlim2007 @Necem @pictoshark @RegNewmont @Pepe @SuperM @PocketyHat @thesorceress @Wonderlander @EternalMagician

The Game Record will be available shortly.


Congratulations to the live humans! You managed to stand out less than me. Or more. Or in a way that didn’t get you killed. Either way good job.

Shoutouts to @pictoshark who managed to put the witch side under pressure from the very beginning by being forthcoming with information, forcing the witches out of their quiet comfort zone and a bit more into the spotlight if they didn’t want to stand out by not standing out.

And thanks to the witch side, of course. While the large stretches of inactivity were unfortunate, being a part of this battle of wits was very fun~

Hope to see y’all in the next one!

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Not to put a damper on things but I can’t help but feel disappointed about how this gameboard turned out. Usagi was killed off in the first twilight, everyone was super open and honest, and the witches were isolated all to easily, one even losing due to inactivity.

It is a shame. The game ended before it could get interesting. I feel sorry for our Game Master to see his Gameboard reduced to this. I will commend @pictoshark for keeping the early game interesting at least. I’m sure he’d make a very formidable witch.

Rematch, anyone?

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I think that was mainly due to me and @Aspirety being Vanilla here :stuck_out_tongue:

And thank you @Karifean for protecting me on night 1. I will never forget that.

And woohoo we won! :smiley: Gratz @EternalMagician @Pepe @Aspirety!!! And you too @thesorceress IMO you won. <3

And seriously, @pictoshark, were it not for your insane theories this game wouldn’t have been half as fun. You rock.

Yes please. :smiley:

@cjlim2007 - Died on the First Twilight

@RegNewmont - Executed on the Second Daylight

@pictoshark - Died on the Second Twilight

@PocketyHat - Executed on the Third Daylight

@Karifean - Died on the Third Twilight

@Necem - Executed on the Fourth Daylight

@SuperM - Obliterated by the Crimson during the Fourth Twilight

@Aspirety - Survived the Disaster and Escaped Rokkenjima

@Pepe - Survived the Disaster and Escaped Rokkenjima

@Wonderlander - Survived the Disaster and Escaped Rokkenjima

@EternalMagician - Survived the Disaster and Escaped Rokkenjima

@thesorceress - Drifting, lost, in the rift between Worlds

The Truth will be explained shortly, as we revisit each Twilight from the safety of our seats.

Good game players!~
It was fun playing while I could, and sorry for accidentally causing a loss for you @thesorceress, while the move was sort of calculated, I still can’t believe we accidentally found the third faction with our first kill. :sweating:

While I do feel sorry for lack of activity from our roleblocker, we only have timing to blame here ^^'
But I will still thank the witches for the help, especially @Necem, since thanks to him I started to strategize even more and see all the options and discussed things together.
And thanks @pictoshark for being a blabbering fool and making things very interesting, you even managed to make me cackle a few times~ :cackle:

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So what was that enhanced ability @thesorceress was gifted with?

And now, the Records of Truth. Please take your seats one last time, once you have prepared your tea.

The First Twilight

The Second Twilight

The Third Twilight

The Fourth Twilight

And with that, Game II draws to a close. Thank you all for participating! We hope to see you again next time.

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I gave them more uses and (obviously) removed the restriction, but the Daylights always ended up being so clear cut they never had a reason to use it.

Well that was one way for the game to end. I am actually really surprised that we humans managed to win as since I managed to screw up and had to reveal myself early but somehow we did it anyway. But it was a fun game while it lasted even though it got kinda one-sided pretty quickly. I also have to agree that @pictoshark made the game alot more fun with his cackling and roleplaying, so props to you.

Also props to you @Rabla for GM’ing this, the writing was great and it was alot of fun to play!

But gg everyone and I hope we will have a rematch later.

You revealing yourself so early worked to our advantage because we had to believe you without any doubt, it was as if you gained a red truth from the crimson himself ^^;

Usually we have to doubt the detective at least a little!

That’s true, which is kinda embarrasing :blushing:. Realising that I was the detective, especially during my first game was a bit of a Oh crap moment and I’m really sad that the game became so easy due to my mistake but now I definitely know what not to do next time :winking:

I’am truly truly sorry that i was so inactiv, but the game started at a unfortunate date for me. :sweat: I thank my fellow witches for not being mad at me.