Yeah there’s only that one valid vote. I find this mistake a little odd but I will refrain from being all too suspicious for now. Though he is now the second on my list of people I want to test as soon as possible.
Ah sorry, saw Antras No Vote as No Death, my mistake
Mmmk so I got the PM from picto. I think shes clean, though I will keep her in mind for now. Now then @EternalMagician, you’re up.
This is a vice of mine I’ve always had - it’s why I quit the first gameboard in the first place. I can’t stop involving myself.
Besides, are you suggesting I would attempt to cast suspicion on an impossible target? My piece’s aim is to chop down the tallest tree in the Forest with but a herring - what should I do about it? Pick up the herring I have? Or wait until I get a more possible objective?
Still I am very suspicious that Wonderlander hasn’t said about that Pm of his. I would lynch him buuuuuuut yeah…not only is he not vanilla but he is also DEF human. Maybe that Pm has something in it that I don’t know about?
If we go through everyone and don’t see any witches then we can have an issue, but hopefully we will find something.
Well I have to keep it quick due to dinner but I don’t have any flashy ability. Currently it’s in a passive mode but it will activate if something specific happens. While it might have some use I feel that it’s more dangerous to my fellow humans than anything else…
All you have to do is ask a question to Picto about your ability now Rest has targeted you. That’s all.
Suppose you’re Tragedy Looper, ask him if the revote that occurs can tie and what occurs, or something like that.
It shouldn’t be hard if you think a little to come up with a message.
Ok I’ll do that once I get back.
Ok, I’ll change back for the time being
Change Vote: No Vote
@Restkastel @PocketyHat @Karifean @Antra @EternalMagician @Blackrune @VyseGolbez @Wonderlander @King_Titanite_XV @Doldod @Blue
I would like the tracker to reveal themselves right now, if at all possible and I would like to hear the results of their track last night. Furthermore I will test you next.
@Restkastel @PocketyHat @Karifean @Antra @EternalMagician @VyseGolbez @Wonderlander @King_Titanite_XV @Doldod @Blue
I’m pretty impressed at this ridiculous farce that all of you are pulling. We are 15 hours and 20 minutes away from the end of this phase and yet no valid votes are in play.
This is just a reminder that you might want to start doing that.
Remember, majority is still at 6.
It’s a daily power rest. Blues power is daily.
Also @pictoshark 15 hours is long enough to check a few and then push votes. If we get to like 2 hours left we might start No Death voting but we need as much time as possible here.
To be specific I’m only able to trigger it during discovery phases. Still, this isn’t a problem since we’ll be able to act on the information immediately. While on the topic of my ability let’s discuss about the roles we should focus on next.
We have enough time to plot out the roles of this game. The two big roles we’ve so far speculated, but not confirmed, are Assassinate and Gun Owner. Since Blackrune was killed during the first phase we can be sure that he didn’t use his ability. However as the narrative suggests we may have an Assassinate ability. I believe it’s obvious what role we should scout, but if there’s any other suggestions I’ll be happy to listen.
To add onto my previous message, If you want my opinion on voting I believe we should utilize all the time we have. This is the second phase and I expect the people that haven’t contributed during the first phase to speak up a little more. Out of all the players present Antra has kept to simply voting. If possible I would like to hear from them since the majority of everyone else has contributed about the topics at hand.
Ok, so I went back and read the game so far over again and all I have to say is…
I’m not feeling it today. Sorry.
That being said, I do trust Restkastel’s reasoning so I’ll make a short list of people I trust right now.
Well then Antra, since you are here why don’t we test your power. Send a message to Picto asking for clarification about your identity and power. I have already put empathy on you.
Naturally, refusal would be viewed as quite suspicious, especially with how little you have been participating outside of voting.
Alright, I sent a message in.
Unfortunately thats not enough considering his response. Try again please.
Okay, but first I would ask you to reveal the identity of your piece if you don’t mind. I hope you understand, if you are a witch we would be in a dire situation.