Streaming Umineko artwork later tonight

Hello all! I’m in an artsy mood, so I’ll be streaming Umineko on Youtube later in the day. The time I have in mind is 10PM central time. If you aren’t in central time, which I’m assuming most of you aren’t, you can see central time here!

I’ll be needing suggestions as to who to draw, so if anyone has any preferences…
I’d like to keep characters limited to the Question arcs for now. In the future I’ll probably do a second stream with spoiler characters.


where are you going to stream it? Youtube?

Ahhh, can’t believe I forgot to mention that OTL Yeah, youtube. I don’t have twitch or anything.

you should also add a link to your youtube channel as well

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Oooooh I love art streams! I’ll be sure to be there!

I’ve decided to move this art stream to tomorrow, since it seems the time I decided upon wasnt the best for most.

Sometime tomorrow. It’s 10:11 pm my time now.
Drop time suggestions, I know we have quite a few folks from Europe.