The House in Fata Morgana Discussion

I think only the new, epilogue-ish part of the Vita port will be voice acted. Which is just as fine, I feel that this VN works better without voices somehow.

Jesus fuck, though. (Very tiny spoiler) That OP is a remix of one of the most heartwarming tracks in the whole game, I can’t believe they could make it sound so depressing.
Here’s the original

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Oh, a Fata Morgana thread. Honestly, any Umineko fan should read it, it’s probably the VN closest to Umineko and similar for many things.

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The House in Fata Morgana in Summary:

07th expansion fans will definitely enjoy The house in Fata Morgana. It’s become my second favorite visual novel (second to Umineko of course).

For a singular mystery title with a lot of story arcs to cover, the pacing is great. I never felt like I was being pulled too fast and was given enough time to soak up everything that was going on. The mysteries involved unraveled nicely, leaving you on your seat wanting more and more. I can agree that the beginning with the first few doors is a bit droll at moments to get through but after that the game spikes in interest.

I will admit I spent a good 60% of this game emotionally compromised as a sobbing mess. Its wild how I was crying one minute and laughing the next. I was so emotionally invested in every single one of the characters so the ending left me extremely happy. I could go on and on about this game but I’ll cut myself short.

Also, it looks like Translation for -Another Episode- is slowly coming along. I’m not expecting it till hopefully next year since Mangagamer gives localization priority to its more…robust games. I don’t mind the wait though–anything to get my hands on more of Morgana’s story.


Well, I got interested in a VN for once… and actually went ahead and purchased this one, which I’ve just started to play. I did, as usual, spoil myself, but avoided spoiling myself in detail for once, thus the story is, for the most part, a mystery to me. It doesn’t seem much impressive as of now, but we’ll see…


Some people find the first two chapters slow (Personally I really like the first one), but it really picks up after them.

There is a demo for those who want to try it, it includes the first two chapters, so like, a big chunk of the novel.

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Meh, I already dropped it. Didn’t seem much interesting and besides I’m not into VNs nor have the patience to read them, so yeah. Well, if I ever do pick it up again, it will probably be a while until I do…

First two/three chapters are a slow burn, not that that is really a bad thing, but it gets so much better from there

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Eh, the slow pacing is not much of an issue for me, I just find the story pretty dull…

I was bored so I picked this up again for a little while, don’t know when I’ll continue it, though. Anyways, the, uh, second chapter I suppose, the one set in 1707, wasn’t too bad, definitely more interesting than the one set in 1603. Not enough to make me like the work though, but it looks fine enough to make me want to play the VN from time to time.

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Mmm I felt that way too for the first two chapters. For the first one I was struggling to read in more than 15 min segments and for the second I really did not like the Pauline segments. It did pick up for me in the 3rd chapter though and in later chapters grew to become one of my favourite stories. Hopefully it’ll be the same for you–when/if you get to that point, you’ll know.

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Well, I’m certainly enjoying this novel!
Currently, I’m at the “Tranquil Days” chapter, and I must say this novel has really captured my heart. So far its been a nice slice of life-ish experience, but I doubt this tranquility will continue considering the Maid’s suggestion of a war on the horizon and also because this is a horror VN.
Some of you who are around on the Discord channel already know some of my theories so I thought I’d post some of them here!
Firstly, I’m pretty convinced that the Rhodes country of origin is Wales. Why? Because several characters note that this area is one plagued by rain and that the sun rarely comes out-a climate that is quite characteristic of Wales. Another thing that tipped me off, was Nellie’s mention of Shakespeare, and how she seemed to allude that it was common knowledge of where his plays were perfomed. Also, according to Google, the place where Shakespeare lived-Warwickshire-is only 3 or so hours away from Wales.
…Though I am not so sure as to how well he was known in the rest of Europe at the time.

Going onto the characters, I have to say that I utterly adore Mell. He’s such a sweetie pie and a dork that I hope nothing bad happens to him but I know something will since he’s likely the man the woman being crucified (who is obviously White Hair) in the prologue is referring too.
…Sadly I cannot say the same about his sister. While she isn’t irritating, its clear she wants to bone her brother (ew) and honestly behaves a little Eva-like in her treatment of White Hair. I can expect her to be the catalyst for something awful in the future regarding White Hair.
And speaking of White Hair, she’s reminding me a lot of Shannon. This could be interesting…

Edit: Mell just did a Battler, I repeat, Mell just did a fucking Battler. He made a promise to a lowly servant girl who clearly is love starved and secretly wants more for herself. nononononno its happenning agaiiiiiiiiiiiin.

Edit: I’m now up to the “For You” chapter. Seems like things are heating up!


Well, well, well… something big is-a-brewin’, it seems.

I do have a hunch of what it is, but everything from this point on is conjecture, so your mileage may vary. Last year, Douglas Bogart of Limited Run Games asked Twitter what Visual Novel would be a good one to localize, and many requested The House in Fata Morgana- After all, the collected edition had just come out. Weeks later, Douglas had lunch with Novectacle founder Keika Hanada, and reported that it had gone very well… and now, today, mere hours before Keika’s tweet, Douglas tweets out:

So… The House in Fata Morgana - Collected Edition, localized for the west, on PS4, Vita, and Switch, is something that very likely may happen.


I cannot adequately convey the excited screaming in my head right now. thanks man


I didn’t realize how much I wanted Fata Morgana on switch before this moment, let us all hope Dent is right on this.

I’m hyped for either PSVita or PS4 Port which is a good thing.

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This is really exciting

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It looks interesting, but I’m just curious is the game worth of the full price in steam? Or should I aim for the new ports that are coming? I like the art and the designs.

The game’s definitely worth paying full price for as-is.

I went and read some reviews of the game, and after those it sounds really intriguing. Probably going to buy it off steam.

Also the modern day ark looks pretty neat, where everyone has been resurrected to be freed from their sins. But it seems that its only Vita exclusive and there doesn’t appear to be any mods or ways to play it on PC. Feels bad

Fata Morgana (and it’s soundtrack) are currently 50% off on Steam, so if you’ve been meaning to get it, now is the perfect time! I can’t describe how much I love this game (and its soundtrack). If it looks interesting to you, please try it!