This Story is Not Very Good - Impromptu Roleplay

I wield my blade and strike Karifean down

“I’ll do my best! Moon Prism Power, Make Up!” I point my magical makeup to the sky and try to destroy the barrier.

Dammit U4ea you’re my masterrrrrr~!
I mean

Havel smashes a homeward bone in his hand, leaving these shenanigans. His shield pieces follow him, but one bone is left behind - not that it will work for someone who isn’t undead though…

I give Karifean a polite bow, and then run to my master’s side to help him with whatever he needs.

I follow the living cosplayer into the room and strike him down.

Aspirety summons a new sword and strikes Karifean before he can speak again

“Sailor moon, finish him!”

As Aspi strikes down and smiley finally kills my old piece I place down a new copy of it behind it.

“Don’t hurt my master, you baka!” I use my magic to strike Karifean.