Totally have to agree. Doesn’t seem like that many games have been announced to be released (from what I saw anyways) which will make me wait awhile before buying one. These games like 1,2, Switch don’t really make me want it, hoping for some good third party games released sometime within a few months after launch.
Switch looks interesting, I’m a big fan of handhelds, but I don’t really use them too much, more of something to use in the car/train etc. The switch could be the next one in the line for me, but it’s quite expensive on release… I’ll likely be waiting for a price drop in a few months after release.
@StarTurner I really wouldn’t expect it to drop in price soon. Nintendo’s hardware prices are preeetty consistent over time. And I’m certain it’s already selling at a loss; there is a LOT of expensive hardware in that package.
I believe Kimishima said that they wouldn’t be selling it at a loss. PS4s and XboxOnes also are cheaper than $300, so I’d say it’s safe to say they’re making a profit off of it. It will only make it easier for them to sell it at a discount during the holidays, and make people think they’re getting a great deal. Pricing was spot on on Nintendo’s part.
As an owner of the switch, I’ll say it’s ok. I’d say you should probably wait till the end of the year to see if you should get one, e3’s coming up so we’ll see if there’s anything interesting they’re showing for this year. Zelda and Mario Kart 8 are alright, but I wouldn’t advise buying a whole extra system for those two games. Zelda will last you a month tops, and MK8 isn’t worth it if you have already played on the Wii U.
Wii U’s should be selling for cheap soon though, so if you wanted WW/TP HD, Bayo 2, Xenoblade X, etc. I don’t see those likely getting a Switch port anytime soon, we’ll have to wait on Smash but I’d still hold out because buying that and all of the dlc could be a pain.
Aside from that, the battery life and arguably the controls if you prefer a pro controller, or just not having to use a sideways joycon, are really the only negatives to the system that I personally feel hold it back.
Isn’t there, like, Disgaea 5 on the switch? Or was that also on different consoles? Because if not, that’s another game a good amount of people are probably interested in.
Yeah, that came out a little over a week ago and I forgot about it completely. If you’re into that, then neat. I’d like to play the whole series before jumping into that one personally. Unfortunately I haven’t owned a Sony console since the PS1, meanwhile the rest of the series is pretty much to be played on that as of now, including Disgaea 5 being on PS4.
You have a PSP lol @Aurora. don’t worry, the disgaea games are getting on steam as well apparently. As for the switch, I’ll have to wait till at least Christmas to get it.
Leaving aside Disgaea D2, the disgaea series have essentially standalone instalments with mostly cameos/extras referencing to previous titles.
Disgaea 5 was perhaps the most standalone one along with the third game.
Woah, did you complete that game in the span of two weeks?
The game has been out for PS4 since October 6, 2015…
I’m not yet that crazy XD
I dunno how I feel about the Switch. The only reason I’ve really considered getting one is for Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart.
I freaking love my Switch. I have been playing Disgaea on it since it came out, and it is hands down everything I wanted it to be. When the Switch was first announced I had thought “So Nintendo is making the perfect Disgaea machine?” and was thrilled when NISA went all out with LE of Disgaea 5 on it. Popping back and forth between grinding anywhere and docking on the TV is ideal Disgaea experience for me.
Yeah, Disgaea 5 is very stand alone. I have not really spent time with one of the games since Disgaea 2 came out on PSP. I highly suggest picking up D5 if you like RPGs and want another long title after Breath of the Wild.
Breath of the Wild is also amazing, but I put it down to play Persona 5 (which I am still working through) - Disgaea makes a better companion game with other titles for me since having your memory and whits about you is less actively important in BoW and the like.
Mario Kart has been good too, though it is not a Switch mover, it has been really great to have on hand when I have the Switch in the wild and people ask me about it. It is really easy to show people how moving the Switch around is when you can suddenly switch to doing a Kart race while you are sipping coffee at a cafe.
The Switch has basically been my dream console as I find myself perpetually preferring handheld gaming while not wanting to give up the comfort and scale of having a game take advantage of the money I have put into my home theater setup.
Vaguely interested, but can’t say I’m super hyped for it or anything. I’ve never owned a Nintendo console before, so their first party IPs like Mario and Zelda doesn’t really appeal to me much. E3 announcements were sorta interesting, and there are quite a few games I’m interested in, but for the time being…I’m more or less leaning towards getting a PS4 instead.
If the modding guys and gals figure out how to connect it or the Wii U gamepad to a PC as a wireless touchscreen + controller then it’ll be an instant buy for me. Always wanted something like that…
As for it’s games?
Well USF2 would have been an instant buy for me, but I’d have to buy new pads, so…
Well BotW would have been an instant buy for me, but it’s gear progression ruined it’s boss fights so…
Well a new MK game would have been an instant buy for me, but it was a rerelease of the previous one so…
Well MHXX would have been an instant buy for me, but then MHW was announced so…
I guess I’m waiting for more word about BotW hard mode (which just came out, right?) and Prime 4 before I think about buying.
Judging BotW by it’s boss battles? You have a weird sense of priorities, they’re less than 1% of the experience.
It’s dungeons are kinda screwed though. You gotta admit that, right?
They’re short, but I thought they were quite cool! Except the bird one. The camel one is definitely the highlight for me. I like how they put a twist on the usual dungeon formula by getting us to manipulate the layout of the dungeon in 3D to solve it.