Umineko: Golden Fantasia Releasing on December 8! (Answer Arc Spoilers)

Yeah they defiantly will not, they are using the steam multiplayer support to be able to fix multiplayer in the game so unless Switch teams up with steam this will not happen

I mean I’d take it even if it was exclusively local multiplayer. The Switch excels at being the platform for playing with friends.

Also, what did the Xbox port do?

It’ll be a while before I can buy this, but I really hope the netcode is decent. I really wanna show off what Dlanor skills I learned through all that time training, especially since I never see any other Dlanor players. That, and I don’t wanna feel discouraged from playing with others like I did with the other version.

Maybe because France is part of the true solution …
For those who still try to search something, the whole Epitaph is translated in French in every ougon op.
If I tell you that it is a hint, you won’t believe me anyway :slight_smile:
“It looks cool” XD that’s the worst argument I’ve ever heard (if that’s really what he said)

I’m definitely interested in playing this with people, though i’m currently reading through episode 4 of Umineko so I haven’t touched it much for fear of spoilers. Can someone give me a rundown in what differentiates this game from other fighters? I understand the meter and skill system, but the meta confuses me .

Meta is basically a powerup that you can use after you fill up your bar. Only one person can have meta at a time but they can cancel your meta by also declaring a meta, which starts this little war over weather or not you will get your meta or if your opponent will cancel it out