Hey, I’ve got a fan-project I’m working on, and I wanted to see what people would think of it. I’ve been a big fan of audio-dramas and radio-plays for a long time, and, inspired particularly by Big Finish Productions and the stellar Twilight Zone audio dramas, I’ve started working on adapting Umineko into an audio drama. Basically, I’m creating an audioplay based on Legend of the Golden Witch.
Here’s an extremely rough, unpolished taste: http://puu.sh/oD8fr/5d6b590755.mp3
This was actually created based on both actors’ first takes, on an extremely early draft of the script based on When They Do Not Deserve’s manga TL. The final product will be much more polished, feature music solely from the original Visual Novel and it’s anime adaptation, and will be based on a more naturalistic script.
Originally, I didn’t want to create a topic or announce anything until I had an entire episode finished, or at least a decent-sized promo, but unfortunately, it seems like I may need to take some auditions online. I had originally created a cast consisting of people I knew IRL, from my Anime Club, and from close friends. However, several people who had wanted to help had to cancel. I figure Rokkenjima is a good a place as any to announce this project, and I sincerely hope that this is a project people would be interested in listening to, if not helping to create.
If you are interested in the project, please let me know! Any help would be appreciated, from potential auditions to sound design to even proof-reading the scripts.