Umineko - LotGW Full-Cast Audio Drama (CASTING CALL CLOSED)

Hey, I’ve got a fan-project I’m working on, and I wanted to see what people would think of it. I’ve been a big fan of audio-dramas and radio-plays for a long time, and, inspired particularly by Big Finish Productions and the stellar Twilight Zone audio dramas, I’ve started working on adapting Umineko into an audio drama. Basically, I’m creating an audioplay based on Legend of the Golden Witch.

Here’s an extremely rough, unpolished taste:
This was actually created based on both actors’ first takes, on an extremely early draft of the script based on When They Do Not Deserve’s manga TL. The final product will be much more polished, feature music solely from the original Visual Novel and it’s anime adaptation, and will be based on a more naturalistic script.

Originally, I didn’t want to create a topic or announce anything until I had an entire episode finished, or at least a decent-sized promo, but unfortunately, it seems like I may need to take some auditions online. I had originally created a cast consisting of people I knew IRL, from my Anime Club, and from close friends. However, several people who had wanted to help had to cancel. I figure Rokkenjima is a good a place as any to announce this project, and I sincerely hope that this is a project people would be interested in listening to, if not helping to create.

If you are interested in the project, please let me know! Any help would be appreciated, from potential auditions to sound design to even proof-reading the scripts.


This is so cool!! This was a great demo piece, too.

I don’t have fancy audio recording materials or any voice acting experience, so I don’t think I’d be able to help out on that front (but if you reaaally need someone, I might be interested in doing Kanon)

However let me know if you need help with the audio script, need an editor, or someone to proofread! I’d be glad to help.

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Thank you so much! We’re waiting until the Steam release to record, in case the changes were major enough to warrant rewriting parts of the script, but I really appreciate your interest and the kind words!

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I love the idea! It’ll certainly make the series more accessible to people. You should look into getting 07th Expansion’s approval if you go forward with the full project.

This is really damn cool, and I would love to see something bigger come of it. I want to support you but I’m not confident in my (complete lack of) voice acting skills. But I could definitely help promote the project if it starts taking shape

Whew! Jeez, it sure has been a while! I don’t think I properly pushed this project the first time around, and as a result… It kinda fell apart. I think that’s because I’d almost solely relied on people I knew in real life? Which was a terrible idea, let me tell you.

But it’s back! Like an awkward phoenix who can’t help but bang into the roof and walls after it’s rebirth. This time I’m trying to do it basically entirely online. Auditions and further information are located here:

Once again, any kind of help in any shape or form whatsoever would absolutely be appreciated! Even if you aren’t going to act, I would absolutely and very gladly accept help with proofreading or editing.


Looks cool and while I don’t think I could help out in any meaningful way I’m looking forward to see how it works out.

… however, I did notice that there were some nonspecific yet major spoilers for future episodes in the lines that you might want to edit out.

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Glad to see it’s still kicking! I would like to do an article promoting this project.

But if I may… Isn’t starting with the entire episode 1 kind of a really ambitious starting point? Projects like these are best tackled in increasingly large chunks. If it were me I write start with 1 scene (may I suggest the aiport scene or the tea party?) And work out from there as more people join the project


Well, this project looks cool enough that I could audition. :wahaha:

I’d personally be willing to try any of the male voices except Battler (as fun a character as he is, I’m not a fan of cursing), and perhaps even one or two of the girls if I can nail the voice right. Also, I am very much available to take a stab at proofreading and editing any scripts you might have (even though I have little experience working with scripts). :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I’ll see what I can do and get back to you when I have something ready, alright? :slight_smile:

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This is really cool! It reminds me a little bit of an old Umineko fandub I followed way back in 2012 (feels like an eternity ago). I should mention that I have absolutely no voice acting talent whatsoever, so I cannot help you there. However, I’m more than willing to proofread! And I’ll give you some encouragement.

Fight on, nipah~


You forgot this: ★

No Nipa is complete without the star.


@EternalMagician In the audition lines or the character descriptions? Character descriptions were basically lifted from NISA’s Umineko site, and I’ll happily edit out spoilers if you could point them out. I won’t change audition lines, since I think it’s important for testing the range of potential actors/actresses.

@Aspirety I’ve done scenes here and there- it’s expired, but I had uploaded a test scene of Eva and Battler discussing the murders. I’d also done the ??? Tea Party, and the scene where Maria reads Beatrice’s letter. I’ll upload them again, shortly- I feel like they should be linked in the Casting Call. I still would like to try and do the whole first Episode, ambitious though it may be. (I’m not asking people record the whole episode at once, though, the scripts are segmented into five parts, roughly following the anime episodes, except, you know, without all the good parts cut out.)

To everyone else, thank you so much for your enthusiasm! I’m glad to know people would be interested in this project, and I appreciate any assistance you guys can offer!


I can understand that and I might be overreacting but I thought Kyrie’s, Eva’s and Rudolf’s last lines was a bit too spoilery as they hint at events and/or things about their personalities that should be left unrevealed until later. Maybe just put up a warning for our new readers?

I’ll put up a warning. I think that those elements of their characters are important- I don’t want to pick an actor who’s really good at doing these characters at one extreme, and unable to do the other. I tried to present the audition lines without context, but I do understand your thoughts.

Demo is uploaded to YouTube! (Please keep in mind this is an extremely rough proof of concept, and will not reflect the quality of the final product.)

Can you give us a status update @MrDent?


I thought I’d have Episode One finished and done with last month, but it’s still not done yet! It is still happening, and I can share scenes with anyone who PMs me, but it’s still far from finished. I started this project in the summer before I started going to school, so I’m busier than I’d expected myself to be. I also made some questionable decisions while writing the script (some scenes are more than ten minutes long…) and I’m having to deal with the problems that came up from that too. All the dialogue up to Maria reading Beatrice’s letter has been recorded, so it’s mostly a matter of editing.

In other words: It’s happening! Just very slowly.


I’m involved with this project closely, so I hope you don’t mind if I respond. We are still editing the first part of Legend. Everyone’s lines are in for this part, and editing takes longer than intially expected. It should start to pick up though. We’ll be sure to post something on Rokkenjima when it is done!


Amazing, glad to hear this is still going. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see it!