What caffeinated beverage do you like?

In terms of caffeinated beverages, cola really is the only thing I drink.

With the tea thing, I only drink stuff that’s apparently not even tea. I always thought that tea is hot water brewed with some kind of herbs, but apparently there has to be caffein? Of the not-tea stuff, I like mint tea and several kinds of red tea.

For coffee, I do like the smell, but I don’t like the taste.

But for everyday drinking, I usually just drink mineral water.

Oh, and in terms of energy drinks, I heard too many stories of people getting heart attacks from drinking too much of that that I’m afraid to drink that.

Well, it is tea but not tea made with “tea” leaves. Red Teas and Herbal teas are made from things other than the tea leaf plant used in Green, Oolong, and Black teas. So it depends if you are talking about it being tea as the class of drink or tea as in the plant used to make it.

-drinks a lot of tea and knows various thinks about it-

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Mostly just soda, but I never pay attention to the caffeine in it. I don’t try to stay awake using it or anything like that. I just drink it like any other ordinary drink like juice, except less often. Haven’t found any tea I like yet, and I find coffee revolting.

I mostly drink green tea (mint and cherry blossom being my favourites) as I have no interest in drinking coffee (despite it almost being mandatory in the office where I work :wahaha:). As for soda I try to avoid drinking it if I can.

Cherry blossom tea sounds really good! Where do you get it, if I may ask?

It’s really good, a very smooth and soft taste while still not being too sweet, perfect while eating sushi or just wanting to have something calming.

I can find it in most tea-stores here in Sweden (called japanese cherry for some reason) so look around in your local tea/coffee store and hopefully they’ll have it. Beyond that I can’t help you, sorry.

I also drink an absurd amount of tea. Mostly flavored green teas, though I’ll drink black tea occasionally. My favorite is called “Sakura Allure”, which is a blend that can be bought at Teavana (sometimes you can buy it at Starbucks, as I’m pretty sure Starbucks owns Teavana). It’s a fruity tea, as it tastes like cherries!

I also really like orange tea, raspberry tea… I like sweet, fruity teas.

So… over the past few months I’ve been getting used to drinking coffee, and a lot of it. It started off with my simple fascination with a certain brand of canned coffee in Japan, drinking it every day for over a week, and now it has extended to me having a cup of Americano/Long Black every day at work (sometimes black, sometimes with cream/milk + sugar, depending on the mood)

I still do enjoy a good cup of black tea, but I probably drink coffee more often, considering I am now in a coffee-producing country and it is much more available.

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Pu’er is my favorite type of tea, but I like more or less any tea with a strong scent to it. I’ve never had a strong sense of smell, so a lot of the lighter more herbal teas just end up smelling and tasting like hot water. One of my exes was a suuuper huge tea snob, so I kinda picked up a decent palette with her and can’t handle the shit they serve most places.

I refuse to drink coffee and will only drink soda if it’s forced upon me, so I don’t actually end up drinking much caffeine. In general it’s never had

When it comes to canned coffee, you can’t beat BOSS Cafe au Lait.

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Hot light roast coffee with milk and sugar is my default drink though there are seriously so many good cafinated things in this world it’s hard to pick one.

Japanese canned coffee is so good. They don’t over sugar it like they do with the US coffee drinks. I like UCC brand a lot too - they should seriously keep it in more office vending machines.

So I just calculated about how much caffeine I consume on a regular basis. Its over 2-2.5 times the daily recommended dosage for an adult, which is 400g. I Consume somewhere near a gram of caffeine regularly with no real issues through sheer huge amounts of black tea.

Am I British yet?


Drinks that much tea.
Deeply cynical
Incredibly confidant in his own abilities
Stoic (mostly) (stiff upper lip and all)

Is @Restkastel more British than me???

BOSS Rainbow Blend was actually the “certain brand of canned coffee in Japan” I mentioned :hauu:

Coffee. Like a true American. Specifically decaf and preferably made with hazelnut cream or agave and half and half if I can’t get the hazelnut.
…Wait I’m 1/3 British so I do drink a lot of tea as well.
Uh, I like Twinnings. Does that mean I can kiss her Majesty’s shoes now?? :push:

Personally, you haven’t lived till you have had home made soda, yum yum lemonade and orange. However if I had to pick which commercial ones I like, Dr. Pepper is good, Orange Fanta is pretty good too. I usually like things like Mountain Dew Pitch Black and Raspberry though.


I tend to be big with my coffee! My second (and more usual) choice is mountain dew. I like my coffee to be a nice cup from a coffee shop rather than cups made at home, so I drink the dew more often than a good coffee. :yum:

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Hot Drinks: I’m honestly a big tea person to the point I have a account on Steepster and keep an account of the teas I’ve tried, how many times I’ve drunk them, the teas I want to try and the teas I currently have in my cupboard at the moment.

I also enjoy hot chocolate as well and I do find I tend to order hot chocolate out of coffee shops or cafes more than tea sometimes.

Cold Drinks: I’m quite fond of Coca Cola especially when it comes in a glass bottle but I do enjoy other drinks too such as Fanta, Irn-Bru and Dr Pepper.

I do enjoy coffee, but I rarely drink it because it always makes me feel sick afterwards.

I’m definitely a soda kind of guy, hah. I’ll drink any kind of soda, but my favorite is Dr. Pepper, and lately, Mist Twist.

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