Regarding the recent tweets relaying Ryuukishi’s words about WTC5: I’m keeping an open mind since Ryuukishi already said that WTC5 would be completely different from Higurashi and Umineko. Still, I can’t help but notice that a “concrete jungle” seems non-conducive to mysteries, since I take it as referring to physical locations that are so complicated you’re not expected to know how many sub-areas they contain, how they connect, and what they could plausibly contain. Then again, maybe that’s only half the stage, and part of the story will be set in a more precisely laid out area like a private estate near or within a city. What I personally want most in WTC5 isn’t (Umineko Episode 2 spoiler) time loops or murder mysteries, it’s intricate detail regarding both the character dynamic and the sequence of meaningful events that I expect to take place.
(I was originally going to post this in the news thread, but I thought it might fit here better since it’s largely speculation about WTC5.)