Which is the worst day of the week?

I kinda personally hate Sundays, since that’s when I have to clean my house and do the laundry. The rest of the week is generally a breeze compared to that day for me.

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For me it’s a tie between Monday and Sunday, mostly because it’s the end of resting day and the beginning of suffering.

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I hate saturday the most, because once you wake up another long week starts.

Hard to say, honestly. Every day has its ups and downs, but I think Tuesday is my least favorite. Nothing significant really happens on Tuesday for me. ^^;

Well now all we need is a thursday and a friday haters and we can make a team.

I suppose I can be your Friday hater. I just don’t like the feeling of being so close to the weekend but still have to go to work/class. I’d just rather not have that at the back of my mind the whole day.


Monday hater here really. I just can’t help thinking it’s time to get back to suffering through a new week.


An odd question, but one I actually have an answer to.


Tuesday isn’t the start of a new work or class week, like Monday, but the thing is, it feels so damn far away from everything.

Monday is awful, but the weekend has only just ended; it doesn’t feel that far removed. Tuesday makes the weekend feel far away in every direction. Wednesday is the middle of the week, but it makes me feel like the week doesn’t have that much left to go.

In any case, yeah. Tuesday for me, definitely.


Hmm… While I also dislike Tuesdays, I have to say that for me, the worst day is Thursday.

Because think about it.
On Thursday you’re so close to the weekend.
It’s almost like you can touch it.
Like if you reached out far enough you could grasp the weekend.

But then you wake up and realize that it’s only Thursday, and that you still have an entire day between you and that precious weekend.

I suppose the same argument could be made for Friday as well, but Fridays always seem pretty nonchalant. But Thursdays, you’re pretty much still expected to work at peak efficiency.


And thus we have haters for the entire weekdays.

Hm, what about months? Which month is the worst?

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Worst month is clearly november. Because we’re in november. Ask me in one month and I’ll say it’s december…

Seriously tho, november tends to be the month where people are most depressed around here.

I’m gonna have to say that for me, the worst month is February. While I can experience some hype for candy (and my mom’s birthday the day after), a really bad experience happened to me a long time ago in the middle of the month that still makes me depressed around that time years later. In fact, I used to miss school on that day every year because it was that much of an impact on me.

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[quote=“WitchOfGames, post:14, topic:738”]for me, the worst month is February
tfw my birthday

I think it’s the same everywhere. Everyone I talk to has been complaining how they wish November would just end already.

The way I see November is the Wednesday of the year. Not to mention it’s so grey and gloomy where I am… :sweat:

Well despite adoring Autumn, I just usually don’t like these months most of the time, because everybody starts getting depressed all over again. But I guess the month that I dislike the most would be December, and generally the winter months, because I don’t like how there’s not much sunlight left for the day, rain bothers me a bit, and it’s generally the most depressing month of the year for me, since me and some of my friends haven’t had any happy memories during christmas, so we just kinda ignore the holiday and complain about life then.

Sorry but my least fav is March. It is so inbetween, and not nice inbetween like September, transitioning slowly, but it happens so suddenly with March. One day it is freezing, one day you can’t wear a sweater coz you sweat.

Worst month? I don’t know, whichever is the hottest one. I just. FAIL in the heat. Like, ugggggggggh. My brain grinds to a screeching halt, I can’t do anything. My terrible memory gets even worse.

I hate summer in general.

Monday. Particularly in the summer.

Thurseday, because it’s that day before friday and one of the days after monday, but also before.

Worst month is probably January for me. The slow buildup of the cheer going into a new year is over, half a winter and a fall season have taken their toll, and much of the month for me is just waiting for the semester break with morale at a year-round low.