You guys are like the smartest people I know

And that is why you might be able to help me. I am playing a forum game in another forum called the mole, and I kinda sorta need to figure a connection between these two pictures:

The connection between these two pictures will give me an excellent clue to the mole’s identity said the host. It kinda feels like cheating but I am truly stuck. So… Help? :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it has to do with the numbers in the corner? The pool table has x7 and then seven balls on the table but I’m not sure about the x3 and the pony picture.

Is the connection visable for sure or do you need background information on what’s in them?

I have been told that just these are enough.


Rainbow Dash with a x3
Pool with a x7

I’ve got it! The connection is that the x3 and x7 both look like really weird emoticons!

…I’m gonna have to deliberate this a bit more.

Do the colors themselves give you clues? The pool table and Rainbow Dash are made of basically the same colors, albeit in different rations and forms.

I actually have no idea. They don’t sound like much since the names of the remaining players have nothing to do with color…

I mean… Maybe it is about that, but if so, why the 3x and the 7x?

There are 7 pool balls in the picture with a 7 on it. Dunno about the three.

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Three bolts of lightning on her butt maybe? :confused:

I like that idea, though the image also has 3 rainbows (tail, hair, lightning).

Three eyelashes per eye. Three orbs per eye of color, a black a purple and a white.

I also checked dimensions and filesize just in case, nothing on that front for the multiples theory.

um… something about sports? Rainbow Dash is athletic and Pool is also a sport I guess.

or… Dash is glittering, so she’s brilliant, and second one is billards and the balls are shiny, so shiny things?

Or maybe the level of seriousness, like, Dash is really carefree, but she does focus on her abilities and about the fact that she wants to get into the wonderbolts and shit, meanwhile, the dude in the second picture looks really focused and stuff.

That’s all that I could think of, honestly. NoIdefinitelydon’twatchponieswhatthefuckareyoutalkingabout.

It ain’t a sin to watch MLP! I am a proud brony tbh:D

And no it seems the 7x isn’t about the pool balls. And the 3x isn’t about the eyelashes. Which is evil. :confused: the connection between these is an excellent clue to the mole’s identity…

Oh BTW I didn’t give you guys the name of potential moles. Maybe it is about wordplay so:


Thanks for everybody’s input so far! You guys are amazing!

Okay it probably is wordplay. Its likely a letter or something associated with each picture is modified somehow by the multiplier/ As for what it is…Hmmm. Im not quite sure.

Anyone have any elaborations here? A few Ideas I have are positions, but nothign comes to mind, perhaps its some sort of gematria with the letters multiplied by that equaling the gematria number of each of the names? Or am I overthinking things.

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filesize might have been auto changed by the bot, could OP (@Wonderlander) post the properties of these files as originally saved?

The picture with the guy playing pool is 43.15 Kb.

As for Dash I cannot find the real pic coz the site is down. I will bug the host.

But tbh I doubt it has anything to do with that…

If you take 7th letter of any name for billiaRds, cue spoRts, snookeR, it’s always R.
And if you take 3rd letter from poNy, raInbow daSh? The only one with all those letters is featheRywINgs.
But that might be too simple maybe?

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Simple is good, simple is needed tbh. I like this theory. And R is also the 7th letter of FeatheR.

But the 3x connection feels a bit weak tbh :smiley:

But perhaps PoNy and WiNgs also 3rd letters like you said…

So it seems it wasn’t about the letters as well… Anybody else have an idea?