07th Live PS Vita Theme available for a limited time!

Entergram has surprised us today with the release of a special 07th Live Playstation Vita theme, featuring swappable backgrounds and icons with art of a bunch of different 07th Expansion characters illustrated by Remotaro! You can find the theme on the Playstation Store here. It seems to be completely free, although you may need a Japanese Playstation account. Let us know if you manage to get it without any trouble. The theme will only be available from now until the 6th of November, so make sure to grab it before it disappears!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://rokkenjima.org/07th-live-ps-vita-theme-available-limited-time/

Welp, I guess it’s time to finally buy a new memory card exclusively to get a JP account on Vita then


One of these days, I’ll buy a Vita sobs… but stares at PS3/PS4

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