That’s right. I kinda forgot the game for a while.

"Why don’t you eat a thistle?"
Azami to G6

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Yukari to G6

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Back to the game we are, and then this happens:

And then this also happens!

Black King still is in Check.
Black’s Turn.

And again there’s only one move: King E8 to E7. Seems black’s in trouble if they’ve been forced 2 moves in a row!

“I won’t give up! Now that I’m a youkai I definitely have the power to fight!”

Mesomeso-san to E7

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“Oy, Marie was your name? How about joining the Track and Field club?”

“Huh? I guess I could try…”

Marie castles king-side

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Welp, things got quite heated in here.

Black’s turn

Why track and field?

Wasn’t that the club dedicated to running? If not, guess I screwed up. Blame it on language barriers.

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Oh nvm I was confused

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Higanbana: "Marie, what are you doing there? Go find some cakes for me~ I mean, us, go find some cakes for us."
Marie: “Hah, even when things are like this you remain relaxed as always…”

Mesomeso-san to D6

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“Everyone seems to have so much fun, I should join them!”

Yoko to C3

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Black’s Turn

“I’ll see you <on the other side>.”

Kyou to B4

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“The other side, you say? Well, there seem to be plenty more friendly people on your other side~”

Yoko to B5


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Black’s Turn

“Hey, Yoko Numata. …Do you know who did this painting?”

Renoir to B5

“I’ll show you all that I could be a youkai myself! Raah!”

Kanemori to A8

Sorry to be that guy, but since your info says that you still seem to check this site regularly, may I request you to put up the current state of the game? @danpmss

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Since he seems a bit busy at the moment, I’ll fill in for the time being.

Is this arrangement correct?