New When They Cry Image Sound Tracks and Dramas "Haworthia" Announced!

Hmm, I don’t quite know what to make of this as of yet, but maybe the songs, well, rather the lyrics may be cryptic in nature and give hints to the answer of the mystery in When They Cry 5 (much like Frederica Bernkastel’s poetry did at the beginning of every Higurashi chapter)?


Ah yes, that’s a good analogy. It could be something just like that.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: When They Cry 5 Pre-Release Discussion & Speculation

Thats also what I was thinking to considering how similar the synopsis sounded to Rewrite.

Work from dai, xaki, Luck Ganriki, M. Zakky and Pre-Holder? Definitely can’t wait.

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Yayyyyyyyy Xaki and M. Zakky and dai? Oh boy. That’s exciting! I can’t wait till we get more news! : )

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They’re all so beautiful! I want to grab this album no matter what! I wonder why is the album called Haworthia. I can’t really see her being the protagonist, but she doesn’t look like an antagonist herself, if I were to say something she’s more like a narrator. And one with a dazzling voice. I hope we can figure out more after listening to the songs.

Since some people said haworthia is a plant from the family of Aloes from South Africa, i decided to look up the aloes and found the Aloe hereorensis, an African Aloe native to South Africa. So maybe her full name is Aloe Hereorensis Haworthia?


Yeah I was confused–Ok I still am, I thought it was an exclusive 07thMasquerade/Live thing.

This sounds very interesting and I love how we got a comment from the artist yaay!

This is amazing. :slight_smile:


Regretfully I can’t go to the music event since we have a shrine ceremony that day, but I definitely want to help translate any of the audio or materials if possible. Im super excited about this news, though!


Do we know if there’s anywhere we’ll be able to purchase this from?

Pretty exciting news! The designs are very interesting, particularly A. H. Haworthia. I’m very hyped for any sound work involving dai, xaki, and all the others. November 3rd will be a great day!

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As it says in the article and website, it’ll be available for purchase at M3, and later at toranoana and melonbooks.


Time to shell out money at my proxy once again! :glug:

07th Live was last night, and M3 is today. Haworthia is officially released! But it won’t be available commercially for a little while yet.

If anyone here is able to get their hands on a copy, let us know!

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I hope it’ll be released in regular anime stores! Going out to Akihabara is a bit of a hassle ;; I will definitely be checking my local shops to try and pick up a copy.

It’s coming to Melonbooks and Toranoana at some point.

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Haworthia has now been officially released!

Toranoana link
Melonbooks link


Aaah thank you Epika! (And @Aspirety!) I learned there is both a Melonbooks and Toranoana in Yokohama super close to me! I may be able to pick up Haworthia sooner than I thought


Purchased through the SmartBuyJapan service. Thank you so much for the quick post on the link!

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You’re quite welcome! I purchased it using zenmarket myself. :slight_smile:

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