Umineko Answer Arcs Available Now + A Word From The Translator

The time has come at last: as of the 17th of November 2017, Umineko Answer Arcs are now available to purchase in English from Mangagamer (NSFW), with the Steam release expected to launch at 7PM EST!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Ryukishi is way too modest for his own good, by saying that at the end of his message. The only bad parts I’ve ever found in Umineko were very selected lines with sick jokes from Battler (either involving Maria or just being a pervert in general) and some random humorous moment during Goat-kun’s adventures in which it kinda makes him into an admitedly lolicon for a split second.

One may argue the “shounen battle” writing from Gamemaster Battler in EP6 and EP8 is kinda overdone too, for me it was fair enough considering the context.

In each case, the things are so minimal I don’t think it’s even fair for him to be harsh on himself to the point of calling them shabby. But welp, who is me to judge how the own author see his work (it just hypes me even more for WTC5, as he is apparently pointing out some “laziness” from his own, which makes me eagerly wonder how better he can even get after the latest WTC).


We’re live on Steam!



Also if you’ve already finished Umineko like me, also write a review-it’d be helpful. I’ll probably write mine over this weekend.

This wasn’t particularly obvious last year and I should have clarified the matter back then, but for whoever not sure about the steam releases, fear not, I confirm that Witch Hunt was in charge of the translation in its general sense. We reviewed our own initial translation and edited it, sometimes even rewrote it from scratch, since we have way more information this time around.
This is also the reason why it took us a year for each steam release after their announcement because we had to backtrack a lot for every umineko episode, even though the translation was “complete”.

This might lead to some weird reactions due to some terminology changes, but we made sure the new translation met our standards. This was a matter of personal pride but also duty considering it is retail product this time.