Umineko Favorite Characters Full Series Spoilers

Umineko’s got, to use tvtropes termonology, loads and loads of characters. Which are your favorites? Top 10 lists, groups of characters you enjoy, one you like more than anyone, I’m curious, who do you like the best?

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Well, anyone who knows me here will know that Beatrice is my wife, Battler is my husband, and Ange and Erika are my daughters.

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I’m totally obesessed with Bernkastel, I absolutley love her. I Love her personality, her hair, Lolita Fashion and absolutley everything about her.
The second best Character is EVA-Beato and i can’t rank the rest.

There are quite some that are my favourites. My ultimate favourite in Umineko though has to be either Featherine or Bernkastel. The former for her cunning and subtle personality and how she impacts the events of the story and Bernkastel just because she is so cool and interesting. Beato, I will always like, too.

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Erika’s my favorite. I just love everything about her. I love how she serves as the perfect foil to the “detective” archetype. I love how she uses her arrogance and knowledge to hide her insecurities and shortcomings. It really makes her seem human. That’s what I really fell in love with in Umineko. It’s the fact that all the characters, no matter how unlikable, have attributes about them make make you understand their actions as if they are real human beings.

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It should be obvious, but Bern. I could say so many things about her and how I feel that she is the person that WTC is about in it’s entirety, but Ive said a great deal of it on a post in the Bern character discussion.

tl;dr Bern is best, fite me if you disagree.


My favorite is Lambda.
But, obviously, you can’t have one Cruel Lesbian Witch without the other.

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Tbh, Willard is my favorite (though I don’t think he’s nowhere near the best. He’s awesome, smart, intellectual yet caring (with Lion). His design is badass and really good looking. That and I think he exemplifies the way detectives should work. Unlike Erika, who cruelly cuts down everyone for the truth, Willard is compassionate towards the mystery and its players

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Either Natsuhi or Will.

All the adult characters are written incredibly in Umineko and I find Natushi and her circumstances the most sympathetic.
And Will’s just entertaining to an insane degree.

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I hate to rank such an amazing and diverse cast of characters. But the ones I felt most for are probably Rosa and Maria.

Too many. Too got damn many. I’ll try to keep the list brief:

Kyrie - My number one fave ever since Legend, and still my favorite at the end, even if she is really problematic tbh
Beatrice/Yasu - Not really too big on Shannon and Kanon (their personalities aren’t interesting to me), but if Yasu isn’t one of the most complex and well-written characters in fiction idk who is. Also, Beatrice is just a BAMF.
Eva - I felt for her. Not to mention that her general sliminess made her very entertaining.
Hideyoshi - He’s just a swell guy.
Natsuhi - I felt for her, too. She’s just had a hard time, guys.
Rosa - She’s the very definition of "problematic fave"
Erika - Delores Umbridge wishes she was Erika.
Featherine - I actually think Ryukishi underused Featherine. She’s such an interesting character, and her only real display of power is when she whoops Lambda in Twilight.
Battler - He’s an idiot, but a lovable one.
The Seven Stakes - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lion and Clair - I don’t know, I just really like both of them. Try not to picture Clair on a stage singing the heck out of The End of the World without crying.
Dlanor - I’m glad to know at least ONE person in this series isn’t royally screwed in the head. Then again, “DESUDESUDESUDESUDESUDESU”


Here’s my top 10 favorites

  1. Erika
  2. Natsuhi - she’s actually who I consider the best character in terms of writing, but Erika is more entertaining
  3. Dlanor
  4. Eva and EVA
  5. Lambda
  6. Ange
  7. Will
  8. Bernkastel
  9. Ronove
  10. Battler
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Needs a Poll. I want to overwrite the past truth where Lambda didn’t make top 3.

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I would have to say Lion, Beatrice, Shannon, and Kanon.

Lion is special to me because he’s the miracle boy, with such a rare chance of existence.
Yasu’s personalities are also really special to me, each for their own reasons.

I love Battler, Ronove, and Beatrice. I kinda hated Ange in the beginning but she grew on me, I don’t hate her, but don’t love her. As you can see from my flair, I love Rudolph. I mean what’s not to like about him?

  1. His sprite is super badass. Just look at him. Oh yeah.
  2. He’s willing to do the dirty for the greater good. I mean, he played Battler as Asumu’s son for the family and his reputation.
  3. He’s willing to get his hands dirty for his own success. When he kills people in Episode 7, he mentions that he’s beat people and destroyed them with his business dealings. He then goes the full way and murders people.
  4. He’s a family man. He tried to get Battler off the island alive instead of killing him. He tried really hard to get him back into the family, and when he was lamenting the fact that he might have to kill Battler, he mentioned that he wouldn’t have tried so hard to bring Battler to Rokkenjima if he knew this would happen. What upstanding morals.
  5. He has some pretty good one-liners. When he gets shot by Eva, he has that nice one-liner about western villains always getting shot. He also has the cool line about the gun shooting low.
  6. He’s compassionate. He didn’t want to shoot George in the back, but when he didn’t end it in one go he expressed regret that he didn’t make it easy on him.
  7. He’s pragmatic. He and Kyrie immediately realize that after one gunshot, they can take the rest of the adults in the room full of gold.
  8. His gun holding sprite is badass. 'Nuff said.
  9. His name is sweet. I mean, it’s hard to make a name like Rudolph work. He makes it work, and plus some.
  10. He’s snarky and funny. He’s a man after my own heart. Or is it vice-versa? I’ll never know.
  11. He names his son ‘Battler’. Anyone who names their son ‘Battler’ knows what’s up.

I’m sure there are more reasons. There have to be, for a character as cool as Rudolph. A lot of those reasons were half-serious, but the idea behind all of them was true. I’m generally a fan of the villains and anti-heroes, so one done as well as Rudolph in Episode 7 really speaks to me.


For me it’s

  1. Knox, Knox is my most favorite character in all of Japanese media maybe overall. I can’t really pUT a reason why I like her so much though
  2. Bernkastel, a character I do like a lot only more compounded by her similarities to Rika
  3. Will, A cool calm and levelheaded character, I really do wish he got more time to be him though.
  4. Ronove, if you are asking me not to put a suave back talking butler high on my list you are mistaken
  5. Beatrice, just a fun character
  6. The Chiester Sisters, specifically Chiester 410, I like her cheeky attitude and just the interactions between them.
  7. Ange, while I did not like where her story-arcs tended to fall I like how she deals with stuff.
  8. Kirie, I just like how she thinks, analyctic minds are some of my favorites
  9. Clair, even I find this one a bit weird and maybe it’s fueled by how much I like Will but Clair is… well just a character I like I can’t really say why.
  10. Kannon/Battler, I know putting two on the last spot us kind of cheating but I don’t know which I like better. Kannon I enjoy his levelheadedness and ability to spring into action if needed. Battler as someone said is a loveable idiot for the first 4 arcs then becomes an actual character I like

Also just for reference anyone ranked below 4 in this lis has the possibility of changing ranks at any time depending on my mood, they are all such great characters

Should we do a poll for everyone’s top ten umineko characters?

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I love everyone in Umineko??? but here are some of my favorites:

  1. Beatrice/Yasu is, without a doubt, my favorite. What a complex and elegant character, and it probably doesn’t help that I find her the tiniest bit relatable.
  2. I also like Natsuhi, for similar reasons. I felt really sorry for her, especially by EP5.
  3. While the series builds Eva up as a detestable woman, I also really empathized with her situation and I felt for her.
  4. Battler is pretty cool when he’s not being a big baby.
  5. Ange.


  1. Natsuhi: She is by far my favourite character and definitely the most realistic character in the series IMO. Her determination and loyalty towards Krauss and the Ushiromiya name in Ep5 was probably one of the most emotional parts of the entire series and her interaction with Beato in Ep8 provided a very satisfying conclusion to her character as her soul is now finally able to rest after Beato’s forgiveness.
  2. Eva: A detestable person but an amazing character. The emotions hit me hard after I realised why she kept the secrets of Rokkenjima prime from Ange and all of the abuse and guilt she must have felt for being one of the people to kickstart the entire situation must have been hell. The way she was treated by Krauss and Kinzo explains most of her actions throughout the series and like Natsuhi, her trials and tribulations are very realistic.
  3. Bernkastel: A very entertaining troll villain and from my interpretation of her backstory she’s one of the most tragic characters in the series
  4. Maria: MUST PROTECC. Luckily I played the question arcs without voice acting so I didn’t find her creepy scenes as annoying. Her and Ange’s scenes in ep 4 are the ones that made episode 4 my favourite episode.
  5. Rosa: Again a detestable human being but one who is capable of redemption. (Ep8 manga spoilers) The EP8 manga gave a very good conclusion to her and Maria’s Arc
  6. Beato: I don’t think I need to explain to be honest xD
  7. Battler: Entertaining and not your typical self insert main character. Thanks to him I get flashbacks whenever someone mentions a ‘white horse’.
  8. Kyrie: The only actually well written yandere.
  9. Knox: Pure entertainment
  10. Erika: Same reasons as everyone else. Would be higher if she didn’t hurt mah gurl natsuhi.

Kanon was my second favourite as I found him very relatable… until the truth about him was revealed. As a result it took quite a while to fully process the identity of the culprit. Still a very well written character.


There are a ton of characters I absolutely love in Umineko for so many reasons. I could go on for hours for a lot of them I think, so I’ll just give my top 3 here.

3- Erika : Just because she’s the best. Starting Chiru by introducing her character was the best thing Ryûkishi could have ever done to give the series a new dynamic, and he did it. I love her because she’s pure entertainment. She is selfish, but in the end she just wants to catch people’s attention and deliver the cool catchphrase when it’s her time to shine. Yes, she does horrible things, she’s an antagonist, but at the heart she’s just a real child who has been allowed to play in the game and enjoys playing her role to the fullest. I mean, who else could have been THE detective? In that sense, she’s close to Bern and Lambda, and I also love those two. The same way there’s no epic fight in EP8 without Lambda & Bern, there’d also be no epic trial, no logic error without Erika. And man, the logic error may just be my fave thing ever, so that tells a lot. Of course, there’s also a lot to say about her as a plot device, on how she mirrors some aspects of Ange, etc… But that would not be enough for her to be up there in the top 3 if she weren’t such a cool, fun, epic by nature character at the core.

2- Battler : “The incompetent man who struggles all over the tale to reach salvation at the end of it all.” I think that’s almost it. If I love his character so much, that’s because of the journey he goes through and how it changes him. From his determination at the end of EP1 to deny witches, to him breaking down crying in EP2 not wanting to suspect anyone anymore and surrendering. When he starts falling in love with Beato in EP3 (all over again) and when he realizes that Beato is a really broken person by the end of EP4 and swears to kill her. When he understands the truth at the end of EP5 and just breaks down crying at his own incompetence, apologizing for everything even though it’s already too late. When he creates EP6 as a huge puzzle made for showing he has understood every bit of Beato’s heart, a game so overflowing with love. And then there is the final twist of EP8 which just makes it all perfect. Of course, Battler is really cool right from the start and as the main character (at least for the most part) he has a lot of time to shine and a lot of epic moments. But the way he grows really makes it for me.

1- Beato : BEST CHARACTER EVER. Let’s face it, she is the absolute queen. And when I say “she” I mean all of that she is at the same time, because the nature of the character itself is already so unique that it’s pure genius in my opinion. And so, there is so much to say about her since she’s at the core of the story, and the fact that I love every of her different aspects and have loved them even before understanding the link between them tells how much I feel connected to her character. As Battler’s opponent in the question arcs, she is the greatest troll ever, yet she is also that innocent and pure girl at times. She is the best waifu, she can make you feel the greatest of hype, but she is also the most twisted and broken character ever written. She is the character hidden among the characters, she is the ultimate riddle of the tale, she is the one waiting at the top of Mount Purgatory for the person who will go on a journey to reach her heart, understand her, accept her and lay her to rest. She is love and hate, delusion and reality, mystery and fantasy. She has to be understood as a whole, and she reigns. She haunts my every thought ever since I finished Umineko for the first time, or maybe since I first saw her portrait, which is now proudly hanging above my bed. And there is still so much to say about her. I didn’t want to write about her in such a passionate fashion, but in the end it seems it can’t be helped since that’s just the way I genuinely feel. Riposa in pace, Beato.

Wow, I’m kinda tired so I hope what I wrote makes sense. I’ll try to talk about the other characters I love in their own threads when I have some time.