What should I search for? <Higurashi/Umineko> [SPOILERS INSIDE]

This is topic is showing most of my collection, I need to know what merchandise I should look for when completing my collections, some “must have” recommendations!!

Higurashi I have every printed book I think, only thing I could see missing is light novel to Rei. I do not know what the light novel to Rei looks like, if someone has a pic it be nice. If I am missing any manga or light novel from my collection video please inform me so I can complete the collection. :cackle:

So leaves me with Dvds, Cds, games, artbooks, doujins, and misc goods. I am hoping to pick up the new live action dvd (I enjoyed it over the movies), but the original anime series I am not in a big hurry to get originals of kai and beyond since have crappy pirated ones to fill the role for now lol. Any dvds I have not touch upon? Some information of that hiniazawa busstop live show be helpful, perhaps if not far I can check at the theater company for copy? When the show first came out they told me there would be a dvd but heard nothing since. I do own copy of Higurashi Opera though! My collection has also some fanmade stuff though be cool if there others out there that be a good watch!

Doujins, I am looking for Natsumi featured ones, ones that someone think might be a good buy, or perhaps rare ones I should keep an eye out for. Maybe some you want for your collection, perhaps I can atleast get them to share with everyone~

I did not list figurines because I do not have proper shelves for them, they are horribly overed in dust :whine: Only thing I might go for is ones that are garage kit ones, would be nice to know where in Tokyo I could find these or events where they show them off for sale. I would like a Natsumi one, since as one might gather, she is favorite character.

Now for Umineko, I am pretty much looking for cds and misc goods. I am not avid collector for this series but wouldn’t mind some recommendations as well. Here some of my collection:

This portrait I have up at the end of my hall. It is large and people think it is a real oil painting rather then silk screen. The battler one is twice as big and I using it during my wedding (I make topic about that after)

Also got this item that contains bunch of pictures.

Also got eye mask and pillow lol


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