When They Cry - Original vs Updated Sprites

PS3 sprites all the way for Umineko, Dont really like the higurashi sprites too much in general. They all have their own problems, though I have to say that Original is probably the worst in my opinion because I just cant even with Ryuukishi’s art. Its as bad or worse than Zun’s original stuff.


I’m gonna be honest, I first read Umineko with PS3 sprites and I can fully see the appeal of the original sprites (in fact next time I read it I’ll probably read it with those) but I really dislike these ones. Probably just a bias on my part but it reminds me of a shoujo manga and rubs me the wrong way.

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Steam sprites for both, unquestionably.

Barring the fact that they went a bit overboard on breasts with Umineko.

The other two really don’t work for me.

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I also prefer the steam sprites, but the original sprites are a close second to me. The sprites have never really mattered that much to me though. I like the stories because they’re stories, not because they are aesthetically pleasing.

BUT! The original sprites did create this… Which is either the best thing you will see, or the worst…


pulls out the Exterminatus button and hammers it repeatedly



GaaNjo confirmed, Umineko is solved, we can go home, everyone!


My eyes…


When it comes to Umineko, I guess I prefer the original sprites. I think the only real reason I’m reading the Steam version with pachinko sprites is because they take up less of the screen, so I can see more background image. Despite that being my reason, they’ve grown on me. I have yet to read the game with PS3 artwork.

For Higurashi, which I haven’t read more than 20 hours of, I chose to go with the original sprites for the sake of reading in Ryukishi’s way, if that makes sense. Not saying the updated sprites are bad, I just want to read it with the artwork Ryukishi made, at least the first time through, like I did with Umineko.


I get that. There is a feeling of it being closer his vision as it is the first expression of his vision going with his sprite work. And it will always be able to be The Original Artwork - which makes it the most canon or True feeling.


worse than the original in my opinion :frowning:

original sprites had the benefit of being the creator’s vision. the ps3 sprites are far better artistically but some of the old sprites have charm to them.

I’m really disappointed the Steam version isn’t a port of the ps3 version!! The voice acting is a treat and the sprites are so much more attractive. Really don’t like the art style of the pachinko game. It’s not Umineko anime bad, but I hate the faces and the shading.

Now onto more specific sprite opinions… I’m going to use Beato since she has the most sprites out of anyone in the game.

I really love the Beatrice sprites of the original. I think they give her way more personality! I’ve noticed later adaptations of the sprites like to exaggerate Beato’s expressions (which isn’t bad because she’s an exaggerated person), but I think the manga does a much better job of slasher face than the ps3 sprites which feel oddly plastic in comparison to the original. Here’s a comparison photo:

sorry for low quality.

I think it’s because the original sprites make her look more endearing… It’s a departure and I don’t mind it too much.

I really dislike the Pachinko sprites. Did they add the Pachinko animation into the game? I think that would make it very unique!! I guess it was probably an understandable limitation, so I don’t fault them.

I found a great Pachinko sprite and event catalog on E-Hentai of all places. Not sure if I should post the link, but I’m going to pull a Beato sprite so I can stay consistent.

They just don’t do it for me. They don’t have those exaggerated expressions, but those moe eyes spoil all of them. I’m not personally a fan, but it’s a matter of opinion!


Original sprites all the way! The PS3 sprites are nice to look at and I prefer them if I’m showing the game to somebody, but the original sprites are far more impactful and add more to the story. Ryukishi’s art is all about expression and feeling and atmosphere, which matches his stories perfectly. Plus, there are all these little details to them that other adaptations don’t have. The little dimple in Beato’s cheek when she smiles, for instance. (That one might be my favorite, heheh.)
When I look at the original sprites, I can really get a sense of the emotion depicted in each one. There isn’t a single sprite that seems bland or simple or lacking. Can’t say that for the other sets.


Reading Chiru with the PS3 sprites, I can say…
… I’m on the fence. They look really polished, but also stiff. Like plastic. But they’re pretty well executed anyway. I’m in it for the voice acting.

I’ve read the Steam version, too. The Pachinko sprites are alright, but it took a lot of time to get used to.

I think if I had to pick between the 3 sprite versions, I’d choose Ryukishi’s original ones. Not the most polished things in the world, but they’ve got charm and character.


I’m not sure why I haven’t posted here yet but here’s my two cents.

Not being an artist and having very little eye for what looks good I really don’t care a whole lot about the quality of art. Also, I’m not too good at seeing the ‘expressiveness’ that some people like about the original art that they claim isn’t in the PS3 art. I like different things about all three sets of sprites. For instance, I like the fact that the adults actually look like they are in their 40s or 50s in the original and Steam sprites. It always felt weird that they looked so young in the PS3 ones. I like certain character designs in one but not the other as well. For instance, I don’t like Kanon’s expressions in the PS3 and find them much better in the other two. I also like some of the more insane looks that Beatrice gives in the PS3 which I kind of miss when I look at the original. I particularly like the shading of the Steam sprites but don’t really like the over-the-top breasts that all the females have as well as the oddly tan skin tone that Battler has.

Basically, they’re all good about certain things and I’m mostly there for the story anyway. The art doesn’t really decrease if there’s something I find really goofy.


Plottwist Battler is actually transgender gyaru fan

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