The man was the only person inside the bank the whole time! Since his directives were to people inside the bank, no one who deliberately tried to thwart his plans would have been violating his demands! A manner of sleeping gas or similar incapacitating device was remotely deployed from a location more than 100 meters away from the bank, incapacitating the man without anyone violating his orders!
The accomplice was silently incapacitated outdoors! Since there could be no visual contact with the man and the accomplice, the man was unaware that his accomplice had been incapacitated!
The man is blind! Whatever entrance, exit or person he “sees” therefore does not influence actual events! He has insufficient eyesight to the point he can not discern an entrance, an exit, a person, or any object that pertains to the incident, at the time and location of the incident! Him noting down all exits he could “see” does not prohibit anyone from actually coming inside the bank unnoticed!
“No single one” who were subjected to the man’s demands violated the orders because multiple people violated his orders and did so with enough organization that no single person can be said to have violated on their own!
The man survived the incident and did not receive the money! Those were the two alternatives he proposed for his plan! Confirm in red truth that the man’s plan has failed!
The man had a spontaneous change of heart within the hour! He was not the same man anymore! Therefore, his threat as his old self to blow up the bank with him in it is impossible to fulfill since his old self does not exist anymore!
The man was in the wrong building all along! “The bank is still intact” refers to a different bank!
The forged item the man is in trouble for is the detonator! The “detonator” item he has with him is a fake! The real detonator is somewhere where the man cannot influence or use it from any way within the hour! The detonator being able to trigger the bombs outside the bank only refers to the true detonator! The man could have tried to press the fake detonator in his possession which did not trigger the bombs because it is a fake! It is solely his own fault that the man’s plan failed, therefore, no one has thwarted his plan!
edited to add:
The man is a changed man at the end of the hour! He has decided to not go through with his former self’s plan! All red truths stated so far apply solely to “the man” as referring to the old self of the man! The man’s old self was the perpetrator of the burglary attempt while the new man does not attempt such a thing! Therefore, all red truths so far are valid for the man at first while none of the red truths on this chessboard apply to the man by the end of the hour!
The man is paralyzed from the neck down! He could not have activated anything in his hands! That’s why the bank is still intact, his nerve cells are unable to press the detonator!