Another little nugget of a mystery [GAME 2] [SOLVED]

Easy: The accomplice was handed a weapon to hold off anyone who got in the way of the plan such as an assault rifle and shot the man in the legs or another place that disabled him.
Or similarly, The accomplice brought a non lethal weapon with him and never intended to work with the man from the start.

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Edit and make it a reply please. Makes it easier to follow if you don’t quote me.

The man received more than the requested sum as they were desperate to get him to leave via the means that I mentioned above

If I give you ÂŁ200 you still received ÂŁ100.

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#Warlocks of Chaos are lazy.
Edited to try to make it work

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Someone in the bank had a gun and shot him in the arm with detonator, when he wasn’t paying attention. and another man jumped at him and took his revolver

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The definition of receive here means physically received, he was able to have the bank wire transfer money to an offshore account.

Unfortunately that wont work because they all obeyed the second set of commands which involve not thwarting his plan.

For one reason or another, the man willingly left the bank.

The man was incapacitated in one way or another by himself. Their he passed out or locked himself in a vault or did something to himself that lessened his threat.

Some sort of natural force outside of the people stopped the man from completing his plans.

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The plan was thwarted accidently.

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Oh, damn. I wasn’t quite sure what “thwart” means, but I get it now, thanks.

The starting time for the 30 minutes did not start at the same time as the hour time mentioned before. He might have been engaged doing other things for 31 minutes before he said that they had 30 minutes, leaving the explosion to happen 1 minute or more after the game board presented ends

That would be a one step solution so I don’t think that’s what we have going here unfortunately

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yes but it starts an attack to ensure that times are cut off, just in case. The best way to use the blue truth is in a wall of theories that covers everything just in case.

I’m just saying if that’s the solution I would beat him over the head with a chair.

Please do that anyway, he could use the blows to the head. With how bad his memory already is it can only improve from here, no damage to it will render it worse after all.

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What kind of chair? A wooden chair, an armchair, a sofa?
Perhaps a swively chair.
Or I could hit him with a bus, as they have chairs in them

It should be your throne of course, as you are a king as we have previously mentioned. Also props for knowing what a Boat of Theseus is.

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