Devil's Playground - Game 3

Here is a silly theory

The living group and Dalinar entered the guest mansion. Dalinar may have used the same entrance or another entrance to the guest mansion, it matters not. Arya and Adolin had the basement keys on their person. They got into a scuffle and killed each other win a gun outside the basement. Astrid and Shallin found the bodies. Astrid, through or otherwise placed their bodies in the basement and locked the door with her master key. Afterwards, Dalinar went to the same room as Astrid and Shallin on the first floor. Astrid killed Shallin and Dalinar. She then killed herself

Wow, two theories with one prewritten Red…

The door to the first floor from the basement was locked and closed.

Shallan did not exit the room through a window.

Astrid never interacted with Dalinar on the first floor.

When Astrid and Shallan went to check the bodies of Arya and Adolin, Astrid unlocked the door.

Entering the Basement does constitute as entering the Guest mansion.

Dalinar never used the same entrance twice.

  1. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering it. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Astrid goes to the basement. Astrid doesn’t have to open any entrance, she either broke it down or it had been open in the first place. In the basement, Astrid kills Arya and Adolin entering through the window. The window was either unlocked, or was opened without the intention to let her in. Astrid leaves through the window and it doesn’t matter whether she locked it or left it open, she could still lock it regardless.

  2. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering it. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Shallan goes to the basement. Shallan doesn’t have to open any entrance, she either broke it down or it had been open in the first place. In the basement, Shallan kills Arya and Adolin entering through the window. The window was either unlocked, or was opened without the intention to let her in. Shallan leaves through the door and makes it so that is impossible to use the door without locking it. When Shallan and Astrid arrived at the door, Astrid unlocked the door, and the trick was undone.

  3. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering as well. Astrid locked Arya and Adolin in the basement. While in the first floor, Astrid finds Dalinar and freaks out, she kills Dalinar and leaves the first floor. Astrid doesn’t have to open any entrance, she either broke it down or it had been open in the first place. In the basement, Astrid kills Arya and Adolin entering through the door, she unlocks the door, kills Arya and Adolin and, upon leaving, makes it so that the door cannot be used without locking it. When Astrid and Shallan arrived at the door, Astrid unlocked the door, and the trick was undone.

This blue does not disprove the theories, by using the door, Dalinar leaves the basement and remains inside the guest mansion. Dalinar makes it so that the door cannot be used. When Astrid and Shallan arrive at the door, Astrid unlocks the door and makes it so that it can be used again.

How does he leave using the door? It is locked and closed.

The window to the Basement was locked when Arya, Astrid, Adolin, and Shallan arrived at the guest mansion.

The keys to the basement were with Arya and Adolin, they can unlock the door tot he basement, also the door can simply be broken down.

The window was opened after they were inside the guest mansion. Isn’t that obvious?

Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering as well. Astrid locked Arya and Adolin in the basement. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Astrid leaves the first floor. Astrid doesn’t have to open any entrance, she either broke it down or it had been open in the first place. In the basement, Astrid kills Arya and Adolin entering through the door, she unlocks the door, kills Arya and Adolin and, upon leaving, makes it so that the door cannot be used without locking it. When Astrid and Shallan arrived at the door, Astrid unlocked the door, and the trick was undone.
When the copypasting cry

Then how did the keys get back to their hands? As for the other try…

The door to the Basement was never broken down.

By who?

What does this even mean?

  1. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering it. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Astrid goes to the basement. Astrid doesn’t have to open any entrance, she either broke it down or it had been open in the first place. In the basement, Astrid kills Arya and Adolin entering through the window. The window was either unlocked, allowing her to open it, or was unlocked and opened by Arya or Adolin, without the intention to let her in. Astrid leaves through the window and it doesn’t matter whether she locked it or left it open, she could still lock it regardless.

  2. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering it. Astrid found Dalinar when she wasn’t on the first floor anymore and killed him. Astrid enters in the basement through the window, which was either unlocked, or was opened without the intention to let her in. Arya, Adolin, or Astrid opened the window. Astrid kills Arya and Adolin and leaves through the window. It doesn’t matter whether she locked it or left it open, she could still lock it regardless.

  3. Dalinar entered in the guest mansion while the living group was entering it. Shallan found Dalinar and killed him. Shallan enters in the basement through the window, which was either unlocked, or was opened without the intention to let her in. Arya, Adolin, Shalan, or Astrid opened the window. Shallan kills Arya and Adolin and leaves through the window. It doesn’t matter whether she locked it or left it open, she could still lock it regardless.

The window in the Basement was locked when the bodies were found.

How could they lock it?

The Master Key was never used to lock the window in the basement.

It was never stated only the master key can lock the windows, also, it was also never stated the windows can only be locked from the inside.

Then how could they lock it?

Window locks, they exist in the real world, and some windows can be locked from the outside. If you want to deny this, just repeat “The window was never locked from the outside”.

The basement window was never locked from the outside

The basement window was locked from the inside and was then broken down.

Hmm, I’ll concede the window… for the moment.

Put your responses in full theory form for the last murder. These last two blue’s have been super specific and annoying to have to continuously jump between all iterations.

I’m busy right now so I can’t respond. Otherwise I would have. If you have time before I respond could you reorganize the Blues?

Shallan never interacted with Dalinar on the first floor.

Then where did she find Dalinar?

The living group enters in the guest mansion. Astrid locks Arya and Adolin in the basement. Astrid and Shallan head to the first floor. Shallan then leaves the first floor, she doesn’t have to open any entrance, she used an entrance that was either unlocked or had been left open. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Dalinar either entered in the mansion while the living group was entering it, or was outside the mansion and was spotted by Shallan, she wasn’t on the first floor when this happened. Astrid also left the first floor like Shallan, and headed to the basement, she entered through the basement window, which was opened either by her, or by Arya and Adolin, who opened the window without the intention to let her in, maybe it was to let some fresh air enter in the basement. Inside the basement, Astrid locks the window, kills Arya and Adolin, and breaks down the window to leave the basement.

How? The basement window was locked when Astrid was there and Neither Arya nor Adolin opened the basement window.

The living group enters in the guest mansion. Astrid locks Arya and Adolin in the basement and opens the window. Astrid and Shallan head to the first floor. Shallan then leaves the first floor, she doesn’t have to open any entrance, she used an entrance that was either unlocked or had been left open. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Dalinar either entered in the mansion while the living group was entering it, or was outside the mansion and was spotted by Shallan, she wasn’t on the first floor when this happened. Astrid also left the first floor like Shallan, and headed to the basement, she entered through the basement window, which she left open beforehand. Inside the basement, Astrid locks the window, kills Arya and Adolin, and breaks down the window to leave the basement.

The window was closed when Astrid locked the door to the basement.

The living group enters in the guest mansion. Astrid locks Arya and Adolin in the basement an unlocks the window. Astrid and Shallan head to the first floor. Shallan then leaves the first floor, she doesn’t have to open any entrance, she used an entrance that was either unlocked or had been left open. Shallan finds Dalinar and kills him. Dalinar either entered in the mansion while the living group was entering it, or was outside the mansion and was spotted by Shallan, she wasn’t on the first floor when this happened. Astrid also left the first floor like Shallan, and headed to the basement, she opens the basement window and, which she left unlocked beforehand. Inside the basement, Astrid locks the window, kills Arya and Adolin, and breaks down the window to leave the basement.