Hello I’m Aurora. I’ve lurked here for a while and thought I might as well join, as well as many of my fellow friends also reside here. I live in the United States (Ohio), I’ve read the Umineko VN and parts of the manga and am trying to get into Higurashi VN, I’ve seen the Higurashi anime (and technically the Umineko anime, but we don’t talk about that). My favorite is and likely always will be Umineko, but we’ll have to see how WTC 5 and inevitably 6 is. I found Rokkenjima on a google search, but some people have always praised it so I’ve considered joining for a while now.
Some of my interests outside 07th Expansion include other ‘mystery’ related vns such as Danganronpa, Ace Attorney, and one day I’d like to try finishing the 999 series.I also like some games in general, but mostly older games, as I find new ones are always out of my budget, that and I just prefer them stylistically. I also do some application programming and perhaps one day I’ll even get around to making a game, unless you count Umineko Online a game, but that’s 07th Expansion related so shhhh.