This Story is Not Very Good - Impromptu Roleplay


As she does she notices that the timer’s reduce massively and then return back to where they were every time Havel attempts to cast a miracle.


When you do so you see Pandora standing there. She is then hit by a rocket.


Not too much. There’s a covered up window and not much else of note.

Lord Rabla is puzzled by the note discovered by smileypers0n, and commits it to memory. Lady Rhythmia shows zero interest.

What color is the ink of the pen I handed Havel?

All of you hear the psycho screaming. He was loud.

Karifean’s piece?


Lord Rabla opens the door to the first shark room to check on the cosplayer

Havel sees the two bombs and understands. He now believes the bombs are hex abilities, but disregards them after he hears a scream.
He runs towards the door, but doesn’t open it.


He seems to have collapsed in a manner similar to Vayalite. You are not concerned by this.

Aspirety heads back into the hall.

Hey Game Master, does this work? I fire a red spear at picto and he catches it.

Lord Rabla is apparently not concerned by this

Lady Rhythmia however checks the cosplayer’s pulse

The sorcerer doesn’t even catch it with his hands with it halting all momentum in front of his eyes instead.

“Hoh? I’ll see if it’s worthy of my armory…”

The sorcerer reaches out and grasps the spear examining it’s quality. He then smirks.

“And you want this to stay hidden for now?”

If you don’t mind~

Havel walks into the room. He takes from his bottomless box a great deal of heavy armor pieces and places them on the collapsed man’s legs and chest in an attempt to immobilize him when he gets back up. He tries to be careful to not break his legs from the weight but goes a bit overboard since his standard for human strength is quite high…

“Very well. It shall remain hidden for now.”

The door’s of the armory spring open at the back of the room and the sorcerer casually tosses the spear towards the door. It flies in at a speed that doesn’t really match up with the level of effort that was devoted toward the throw.

I silently approach the westmost door. Once I’m in front of it, I dash in at great speed, carefully taking note of any ambushers to dodge any incoming attacks.



When you attempt to let go of the sword it suddenly teleports behind you.


You step on a mantrap, it digging very deep into your leg.