EDIT: A preliminary release of Ep5 is available! It’s only a few posts down, but here’s a link to the post anyways.
So, sorta carrying on from this thread, but I felt like this deserved its own topic.
To summarize: Both of Mangagamer’s Umineko releases (Ep1-4 and Chiru) contain, in their files, a collection of CGs. I presume they’re from the Pachislot version, but I don’t know for sure - having said that, they do share the same art style.
Now, normally (as is my understanding - by the time I picked up MG Umineko, the PS3 patch had been released, and I really didn’t like the pachinko art style at the time), the CGs don’t display at all, regardless of sprites selected or anything else. The reason is simple - the flag to show the CGs is never set to 1. Based on comments in the script, I believe it was meant to be enabled at some point, but likely it was either scrapped or forgotten (I think the former - some of the CG definitions aren’t referenced by the script proper, so they never appear, even after setting the flag to 1).
MG Chiru is similar - the flag is never set to 1, so the CGs do not appear. However, setting the flag to 1 doesn’t show them either - from examining the script, I’ve learned that 1) the CGs aren’t even defined in the first place, and 2) the subroutine responsible for displaying the CGs in MG Umineko is present but unreferenced in Chiru itself (i.e. there are no places in the script where it checks if the “Show CGs” flag is enabled).
Here are all the CGs I’ve extracted from MG Chiru’s archives. I don’t know if those are all of the CGs included - when extracted, a number of other files (all of which seem to be .bmp’s, interestingly) were corrupt, and Wight’s scans of the pachislot game’s artbook (kudos to them <3) showed two more images that I do not have (it’s also worth noting that the last two images, of Battler and Beato, are named “end_3” and “end_4”, while end_1 and 2 are missing). Interestingly, the very first CG of Lambda wasn’t in the artbook scans. I don’t know what that means, if anything, but.
That’s where this thread comes in. I don’t think reimplementing the CGs should be too difficult - while I’m not a programmer per se, I’ve got a good grasp on scripting languages such as Ren’Py, and I’m fairly sure I understand most of how the script format for this engine works (I don’t actually know off-hand what engine MG Umineko/Chiru runs on, I believe it’s Ponscripter? If anyone can clarify that’d be great). The thing is, I don’t know exactly where some of them are supposed to go. Some of them are obvious - the one of Battler with his golden longsword is easily for ???5, for instance - but some of them are a bit more ambiguous. There’s also the fact that there are two versions of one of Ep8’s CGs, though I think I know which is from the pachislot game.
That’s where I could use some help. I know very little about the pachislot version of Umineko - while I’ve found scans of the artbook, I can’t read Japanese, so I don’t know what most of it says. If anyone’s got any input on where exactly these CGs belong, or anything along those lines, it’d be highly appreciated! Thanks.